
由网友(男人不狠,江山不稳)分享简介:我想在F#的类型提供。我已经使用WsdlService提供商,在下列方式取得了一些成功:I'm trying out type providers in F#. I've had some success using the WsdlService provider in the following fashion:...


I'm trying out type providers in F#. I've had some success using the WsdlService provider in the following fashion:

键入EC2 = WsdlService<http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/ec2.wsdl>


but when I download that wsdl, rename it to .wsdlschema and supply it as a local schema according to the method specified in this example:

type ec2 = WsdlService< ServiceUri="N/A", ForceUpdate = false, 
                          LocalSchemaFile = """C:ec2.wsdlschema""">

Visual Studio中发出的错误信息:

Visual Studio emits an error message:

该类型的提供   Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.DesignTime.DataProviders   报告错误:错误:未指定有效输入文件。指定   无论是元数据文件或汇编文件

The type provider 'Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.DesignTime.DataProviders' reported an error: Error: No valid input files specified. Specify either metadata documents or assembly files


This message is wrong, since the file quite plainly is valid, as the previous example proves.


I've considered permissions issues, and I've repeated the same example from my user folder, making sure to grant full control to all users in both cases, as well as running VS as administrator.


Why does the F# compiler think the file isn't valid?


edit #1: I have confirmed that doing the same thing doesn't work for http://gis1.usgs.gov/arcgis/services/gap/GAP_Land_Cover_NVC_Class_Landuse/MapServer?wsdl either (a USGS vegetation-related API) whereas referencing the wsdl online works fine.


嗯,看来该类型提供相当固执,不灵活的,它需要一个真正的wsdlschema文档时,使用 LocalSchemaFile 选项。一个wsdlschema文件可以包含多个的.wsdl和xsd文件在其中,以XML格式,让他们分开。我猜这是在微软的工具链某种标准的东西,但也许其他人(如亚马逊)不公开这样的东西。

Hmmm, it appears that the type provider is rather stubborn and inflexible in that it requires a true "wsdlschema" doc when using the LocalSchemaFile option. A wsdlschema document can contain multiple .wsdl and .xsd files within it, wrapped in some XML to keep them separate. I'm guessing this is some kind of standard thing in the Microsoft toolchain, but perhaps others (e.g. Amazon) don't expose stuff like this.


The first thing the TP attempts to do is unpack the wsdlschema file into its separate parts, and sadly it does the wrong thing if in fact there is no unpacking to be done. Then, when it tries to point svcutil.exe at the unpacked schema files to do the codegen, this dies with the error message you are seeing.


Workaround: Add the expected bits of XML into your file, and it will work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ServiceMetadataFile name="ec2.wsdl">

  [body of your WSDL goes here]


