
由网友(不敢思索过去)分享简介:我想有效地选择从SparkSQL表中各个分区(实木复合地板中的S3)。但是,我看到星火打开表中的所有实木复合地板的文件证据,而不仅仅是通过过滤器。这使得即使是小规模的查询昂贵有大量的分区表。 I'm trying to efficiently select individual partitions from a S...


I'm trying to efficiently select individual partitions from a SparkSQL table (parquet in S3). However, I see evidence of Spark opening all parquet files in the table, not just those that pass the filter. This makes even small queries expensive for tables with large numbers of partitions.


Here's an illustrative example. I created a simple partitioned table on S3 using SparkSQL and a Hive metastore:

# Make some data
df = pandas.DataFrame({'pk': ['a']*5+['b']*5+['c']*5, 
                       'k': ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']*3, 
                       'v': range(15)})
# Convert to a SparkSQL DataFrame
sdf = hiveContext.createDataFrame(df)
# And save it


In a subsequent session, I want to select a subset of this table:

dataset = hiveContext.table('dataset')
filtered_dataset = dataset.filter(dataset.pk == 'b')
print filtered_dataset.toPandas()


In the subsequent logs being printed, I see that pruning is supposed to be happening:

15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO DataSourceStrategy: Selected 1 partitions out of 3, pruned -200.0% partitions.


But then I see parquet files being opened from all partitions:

15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=a/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset 508
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=a/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 508
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=b/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset 509
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=b/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 509
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/_common_metadata to seek to new offset 262
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/_common_metadata at pos 262
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=c/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset 509
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=c/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 509
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=b/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset -365
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=b/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 152
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=a/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset -365
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=a/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 151
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/_common_metadata to seek to new offset -266
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/_common_metadata at pos 4
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Reopening dataset/pk=c/part-r-00001.gz.parquet to seek to new offset -365
15/07/05 02:39:39 INFO S3AFileSystem: Actually opening file dataset/pk=c/part-r-00001.gz.parquet at pos 152


With only three partitions, this isn't a problem---but with thousands, it causes noticeable delay. Why are all these irrelevant files being opened?


看看 spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown ,默认设置为假。 它可能会在1.3 / 1.4的使用,查看官方文档。

Take a look at spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown, by default set to false because of some bugs present in the Parquet version that Spark uses. It may be possible to use in 1.3/1.4, check the official documentation.


I think this is fixed in Spark 1.5.


