由网友(专一的男人)分享简介:嘿家伙。我有我的服务器通过EC2设置。我有后缀设置,但像往常一样的电子邮件被进入垃圾邮件箱。我注册了亚马逊SES,我看到每个人都说它很容易实现,虽然我似乎无法推测出来。 Hey Guys. I have my servers setup via EC2. I had postfix setup but as usua...


Hey Guys. I have my servers setup via EC2. I had postfix setup but as usual the emails were going into the spam box. I signed up for Amazons SES, i see everyone saying its easy to implement although I cannot seem to figure it out.

我下载了PHP SDK,并把它放在一个文件夹INC。在我的脚本refrenced它。我不能得到任何回应什么那么以往任何时候都从剧本。是否有任何演示scrips我可以使用?

I downloaded the PHP SDK and put it in a inc folder. refrenced it in my script. and I cannot get any response what-so-ever from the script. Is there any demo scrips I can use?



哇,的我心想。 这仅仅是的夜间的问题,而 SwiftMailer 是一个伟大的答案!为什么,我只是对可能有必要SES earlier今天!真幸运,我能jus-- 等一会,这是同一个人!的

"Wow," I thought to myself. "This is just the night for questions for which SwiftMailer is a great answer! Why, I was just recommending it for someone on EC2 that may have needed SES earlier today! What luck, I can jus-- WAIT A MINUTE, this is the same guy!"

在所有的严重性,不过,我真的不能推荐Amazon的SDK。它不坏code,你要知道,但它的文档为s $ P $垫出所有的地方。

In all seriousness, though, I can't really recommend Amazon's SDK. It's not bad code, mind you, but the documentation for it is spread out all over the place.

这对于SwiftMailer 第三方运输插件使用它自己的执行该API调用,只是需要你的AWS密钥和密码。 这里是由作者的博客文章显示如何用它来发送邮件出去。这需要发生的在的你认证/从电子邮件地址进行测试。

This third-party Transport addon for SwiftMailer uses it's own implementation of the API calls, and just needs your AWS key and secret. Here's a blog post by the author showing how to use it to send mail out. This needs to happen after you authenticate the to/from email addresses for your testing.


