从浏览器到Amazon S3与图片上传问题图片上传、浏览器、问题、Amazon

由网友(枕头人)分享简介:最近我已经实现图片上传到Amazon S3从JavaScript在浏览器中。我已经聚焦到火狐,Chrome和IE浏览器而已。 Recently I have implemented image upload to Amazon S3 from javascript in browser. I have focused...

最近我已经实现图片上传到Amazon S3从JavaScript在浏览器中。我已经聚焦到火狐,Chrome和IE浏览器而已。

Recently I have implemented image upload to Amazon S3 from javascript in browser. I have focused to FireFox, Chrome and IE only.

最后我没有设法实现它的IE浏览器 - 任何版本(甚至10)

At the end I have not managed to implement it for IE - any version(even 10).


选择本地图片文件 在发送文件的大小,MIME内容类型和文件名到服务器的云。 请的base64缩略图出图像文件的 服务器在云中进行数字签名并寄给我的所有重要数据,并上传网址 获取的数据和表格XHR:XMLHtt prequest对象 在使用POST的方式,上传文件超过的multipart / form-data的请求使用还提供了数据(ACL,重点,内容类型,AWSAccessKey,签名,政策和文件)


The another important thing is that browsers' location protocol is https.

问题: 我主要在IE浏览器遇到的几个问题。

Problems: I have run into several problems, mostly on IE.

在阅读文件的大小,MIME类型,或者本地路径是不可能在IE中小于10。 在IE小于10不能读取的base64创建本地文件的内容。

IE 10可以做到这一点的东西(1和2),但有一个问题,xhr.open(POST,网址,真实的) - 它崩溃时,URL以http://(浏览器调用它从 https://something.com/more/stuff )


3.1. If browser is on http it works.

3.2。如果POST请求要求URL以https开头://它不会崩溃,但它无法上传 3.2.1。同为3.2的是发生在火狐

3.2. if POST request is called for url that starts with https:// it doesn't crash but it fails uploading 3.2.1. The same as 3.2 is happening on the FireFox


在一切工作的时候,浏览器和目标网址以http:// 使用Flash插件

这将是非常,非常好,如果该解决方案将支持老版本浏览器,如果它支持IE9 +,并确定是否只支持IE10将是非常不错的。当然,FF和铬应该与也。

It would be really, really good if the solution would support older browsers, it would be very good if it supports IE9+, and ok if supports just IE10. Of course FF and Chrome should work with it also.


Here is a part of code that works, but have an issue (problem 3):

function sendFile(putFields){
var xhr = new getXHRObject(); // returns new XMLHttpRequest object.
var url = 'http://'+putFields.bucket+"."+putFields.host+"/";
   if (http.readyState==4&&null!=http.status&&(http.status==200||http.status==201
    }else if (http.readyState==4){
        alert('fail ');

 var params={
 var fData = new FormData();

 for (var p in params)

xhr.open("POST", postUrl, true); // IE crashes here when https-->http is the case
setTimeout(function(){ xhr.send(fData);}, 100);

我试图找到解决方案,这有一段时间了,但没有真正的成功, 请大家帮忙!

I am trying to find solution for this for some time now but with no real success, please help!



If any one still gets this error, I found that adding 'contentType' fixed it

$('.uploadAssets').ajaxForm( {
    dataType:               'json',
    contentType:            'application/json; charset=utf-8',//added this line and problem solved
    beforeSend:             beforeuploadAssetsPostForm,
    success:                uploadAssetsFormResponse,
    error:                  uploadAssetsError

