路由错误使用Rails 3回形针和S3回形针、路由、错误、Rails

由网友(手握仙女棒)分享简介:我跟着本教程完全的ActionController :: RoutingError(无路由匹配/logos/medium/missing.png)ActionController::RoutingError (Noroute matches"/logos/medium/missing.png")我检查了类似的教程,...


的ActionController :: RoutingError(无   路由匹配   /logos/medium/missing.png)

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/logos/medium/missing.png")

我检查了类似的教程,其中没有提到需要为你的远程图像的路线。就像我说的,我已经三检查本教程中,我做的一切要求我的,所以有什么措施可以我可以在这里丢失?唯一的区别是,我已经有了一个二进制数据类型具有相同名称的 has_​​attached_file 变量指定的照片列在我的模型......莫非是造成冲突?

I checked similar tutorials and none of them mentioned requiring routes for your remote images. Like I said, I have triple-checked this tutorial and I'm doing everything it asks of me, so what steps could I be missing here? The ONLY difference is that I already had specified a "photo" column in my model as a binary datatype with the same name as the has_attached_file variable...could that be causing the conflict?



I was about to delete this when I realized it will be valuable for others to learn what went wrong.

所以,如果你按照教程发球,你会做得很好。但是,如果你使用 attr_accessible 来保护你的模型的属性,你需要指定都掌握在你的模型,以使这些图像实际上是保存到您的S3存储。

So if you follow that tutorial to the tee you will do just fine. HOWEVER, if you use attr_accessible to protect the attributes of your model, you need to specify ALL of them in your model in order to make these images actually save to your S3 bucket.


A hint will be if you see the following in your logs:


这让你知道你已经在保护你的数据库列,需要通过 attr_accessible

This lets you know that you have protected columns in your database that need to be exposed through attr_accessible


Here's what the code would look like if you were to follow the example tutorial I provided in my question:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :photo, :photo_file_name, :photo_content_type, :photo_file_size, :photo_updated_at
  belongs_to :page
  has_attached_file :photo,
    :styles =>{
      :thumb  => "100x100",
      :medium => "200x200",
      :large => "600x400"
    :storage => :s3,
    :s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml",
    :path => ":attachment/:id/:style.:extension",
    :bucket => 'yourbucket'

