亚马逊网络服务微型实例 - 服务器崩溃亚马逊、网络服务、实例、服务器

由网友(知足.)分享简介:我目前使用的是AWS的微实例作为Web服务器的网站,允许用户上传照片。两个问题:I am currently using an AWS micro instance as a web server for a website that allows users to upload photos. Two questi...


I am currently using an AWS micro instance as a web server for a website that allows users to upload photos. Two questions:


1) When looking at my CloudWatch metrics, I have recently noticed CPU spikes, the website receives very little traffic at the moment, but becomes utterly unusable during these spikes. These spikes can last several hours and resetting the server does not eliminate the spikes.


2) Although seemingly unrelated, whenever I post a link of my website on Twitter, the server crashes (i.e.,Error Establishing a Database Connection). Once restarting Apache and MySQL, the website returns to normal functionality.


My only guess would be that the issue is somehow the result of deficiencies with the micro instance. Unfortunately, when I upgraded to the small instance, the site was actually slower due to fact that the micro instances can have two EC2 compute units.




If you want to stay in the free tier of AWS (micro instance), you should off load as much as possible away from your EC2 instance.

我会建议你直接上传,而不是通过Web服务器的图像S3(看到一些例子在这里:的 )。

I would suggest you to upload the images directly to S3 instead of going through your web server (see some example for it here:

S3也可以用来为,而不是你弱的Web服务器大部分的网页(图片,JS,CSS ...)。您也可以在S3中添加这些文件作为原点亚马逊CloudFront的(CDN)分布,以提高应用程序的性能。

S3 can also be used to serve most of your web pages (images, js, css...), instead of your weak web server. You can also add these files in S3 as origin to Amazon CloudFront (CDN) distribution to improve your application performance.


Another service that can help you in off loading the work is SQS (Simple Queue Service). Instead of working with online requests from users, you can send some requests (upload done, for example) as a message to SQS and have your reader process these messages on its own pace. This is good way to handel momentary load cause by several users working simultaneously with your service.


Another service is DynamoDB (managed NoSQL DB service). You can put on dynamoDB most of your current MySQL data and queries. Amazon DynamoDB also has a free tier that you can enjoy.


With the combination of the above, you can have your micro instance handling the few remaining dynamic pages until you need to scale your service with your growing success.


