Capistrano的 - 如何部署到多个云服务器多个、服务器、Capistrano

由网友(情到深处人孤独)分享简介:我听说Capistrano的支持部署到多台服务器,但我还没有找到一个切实可行的办法来进行设置。当我说多台服务器,我指运行在生产环境相同的应用程序服务器。在任何时候,我想将其部署到5或10台服务器,如果这是我目前使用的。I've heard that Capistrano supports deployment to...


I've heard that Capistrano supports deployment to multiple servers, but I haven't found a practical way to set it up. When I say multiple servers I mean servers running the same application in a production environment. At any time I would like to deploy to 5 or 10 servers if that is what I'm currently using.




Using multiple servers is one of the main reasons to use capistrano versus just doing things by hand.


Your deploy.rb just needs to define what actions should be performed on what servers, which is done by setting which servers belong to which roles. You can create your own roles, but the built-in capistrano recipes expect you to define 3 roles:

应用程序:在您的应用程序code运行 网络:网络前端 分贝:其中迁移的运行

这并不少见,这3个是同义的:如果你有一堆相同的服务器上所有正在运行的Apache +乘客随后他们都是应用程序和Web服务器。其中一个需要给予的分贝作用

It's not uncommon for these 3 to be synonymous: if you have a bunch of identical servers all running apache + passenger then they are all app and web servers. One of them needs to be given the db role.


You define roles in your deploy.rb file. At its simplest this is just a list of ip addresses or host names:

role :app, [,]


It can also be a block. For example when deploying to ec2 you might insert an api call that retrieves the list of servers to deploy to. I usually do this by assigning tags to servers, in which case you might have

role :app do


to have that role map to the ec2 instances with the app tag (capistrano caches this information and will only execute your block once)


