
由网友(栗子)分享简介:我有一个使用谷歌地图的Andr​​oid V2 API的应用程序。我已经添加了谷歌播放services_lib 库项目到我的工作区,并增加了一个提到它从我的应用程序项目,以下这些页面上的说明:http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html.htt...

我有一个使用谷歌地图的Andr​​oid V2 API的应用程序。我已经添加了谷歌播放services_lib 库项目到我的工作区,并增加了一个提到它从我的应用程序项目,以下这些页面上的说明:

http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start


不过,我看到在ADT LogCat中的窗口这一消息,每当地图视图进行初始化(在第2根的Nexus 7):


消息级别的错误,并且标记 GooglePlayServicesUtil


进一步信息:每次谷歌Play业务资源,均未发现出现在LogCat中的消息,它是由这些消息,这是警告和标记的ResourceType :

  getEntry失败,因为entryIndex 906超出类型entryCount 3

未能获得的0x7f0b038a条目(T = 10 E = 906)封装0(错误-2147483647)

FWIW,我找不到恒0x7f0b038a任何地方,当我搜索的项目,包括根/ R.java文件。

我检查的生成.apk文件的内容,它包括所有的都在谷歌播放services_lib / RES 目录。

另一个更新:加入ActionBarSherlock和更新我的清单中的targetSdkVersion 8日至17后,我现在看到的LogCat中输出另一个错误:





这是在谷歌Play业务库中的缺陷,并提交在这里下的问题755 。


I have an application that uses the Google Maps Android v2 API. I've added the google-play-services_lib library project to my workspace and added a reference to it from my application project, following the instructions on these pages:

http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/setup.html. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start

Everything seems to work fine: The app displays maps and overlays with the default markers. So I'm pretty sure I've got the Google Play services and Google Maps API stuff set up correctly.

However, I see this message in the ADT LogCat window whenever the map view is initialized (on a 2nd-gen Nexus 7):

The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.

The message level is Error, and the tag is GooglePlayServicesUtil.

This seems benign, as my app does work fine. But what can I do or check to try to address whatever the problem might be?

Further info: Each time the "Google Play services resources were not found" message appears in LogCat, it is preceded by these messages, which are Warnings and tagged ResourceType:

getEntry failing because entryIndex 906 is beyond type entryCount 3

Failure getting entry for 0x7f0b038a (t=10 e=906) in package 0 (error -2147483647)

FWIW, I can't find the constant 0x7f0b038a anywhere when I search the projects, including the gen/R.java files.

I've checked the contents of the generated .apk, and it includes all of the resources that are in the google-play-services_lib/res directory.

Another update: After adding ActionBarSherlock and updating the targetSdkVersion in my manifest from 8 to 17, I now see another error in the LogCat output:

Could not find class 'maps.af.k', referenced from method 'maps.ag.an.a'

More details about that problem can be found here: Google Maps works fine on Android but I still get an error "Could not find class 'maps.i.k', referenced from method maps.z.ag.a"

And once again, the app seems to work just fine. Maybe it's safe to ignore these "errors"?


This is a bug in the Google Play services library, and it is filed here under issue 755.

Unfortunately, there isn't any solution yet.