
由网友(等风来)分享简介:我有一个全屏幕的PNG我希望显示在飞溅。只有一个错误,我不知道什么尺寸摆在每一个绘制文件夹(LDPI , MDPI ,华电国际和 xhdpi )。我的应用程序应该运行良好,美观上的所有手机和平板电脑。是什么尺寸(像素),我应该创造这样的飞溅显示不错在所有屏幕上?I have a full screen PNG I...

我有一个全屏幕的PNG我希望显示在飞溅。只有一个错误,我不知道 什么尺寸摆在每一个绘制文件夹(LDPI , MDPI 华电国际和 xhdpi )。我的应用程序应该运行良好,美观上的所有手机和平板电脑。是什么尺寸(像素),我应该创造这样的飞溅显示不错在所有屏幕上?

I have a full screen PNG I want to display on splash. Only one error there, and I have no idea what size to put in every drawable folder (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, and xhdpi). My application is supposed to run good and beautiful on all phones and tablets. What sizes (in pixels) should I create so the splash displays nice on all screens?




This answer is from 2013 and is seriously outdated. As of Android 3.2 there are now 6 groups of screen density. This answer will be updated as soon as I am able, but with no ETA. Refer to the official documentation for all the densities at the moment (although information on specific pixel sizes is as always hard to find).


Create 4 images, one for each screen density: XLARGE(xhdpi):640×960 大(华电国际):480×800 在介质(MDPI):小320x480 小(LDPI):240×​​320

阅读 9补丁的Andr​​oid开发者指南图像介绍


With this, Android will select the appropriate file for the device's image density, then it will stretch the image according to the 9-patch standard.


I am answering in respect to the design-related aspect of the question. I am not a developer, so I won't be able to provide code for implementing many of the solutions provided. Alas, my intent is to help designers who are as lost as I was when I helped develop my first Android App.


With Android, companies can develop their mobile phones and tables of almost any size, with almost any resolution they want. Because of that, there is no "right image size" for a splash screen, as there are no fixed screen resolutions. That poses a problem for people that want to implement a splash screen.

(在一个侧面说明,闪屏有点之间的可用性人劝阻。有人认为,用户已经知道了什么​​应用程序,他敲了几下,并配有闪屏品牌的形象是没有必要的,因为它仅中断与一个广告的用户体验。然而,应当使用,在需要一段相当加载应用程序时初始化(5S +),包括游戏和这样,使得用户不会卡住知道如果应用程序崩溃或不)

(On a side note, splash screens are somewhat discouraged among the usability guys. It is argued that the user already knows what app he tapped on, and branding your image with a splash screen is not necessary, as it only interrupts the user experience with an "ad". It should be used, however, in applications that require some considerable loading when initialized (5s+), including games and such, so that the user is not stuck wondering if the app crashed or not)


So, given so many different screen resolutions in the phones on the market, Google implemented some alternatives and nifty solutions that can help. The first thing you have to know is that Android separates ALL screens into 4 distinct screen densities:

在低密度(LDPI〜120DPI) 中密度(MDPI〜160dpi) 在高密度(华电国际〜240dpi) 在超高密度(xhdpi〜320dpi) (这些DPI值是近似的,因为定制的设备会有不同的DPI值) Low Density (ldpi ~ 120dpi) Medium Density (mdpi ~ 160dpi) High Density (hdpi ~ 240dpi) Extra-High Density (xhdpi ~ 320dpi) (These dpi values are approximations, since custom built devices will have varying dpi values)


What you (if you're a designer) need to know from this is that Android basically chooses from 4 images to display, depending on the device. So you basically have to design 4 different images (although more can be developed for different formats such as widescreen, portrait/landscape mode, etc).


With that in mind know this: unless you design a screen for every single resolution that is used in Android, your image will stretch to fit screen size. And unless your image is basically a gradient or blur, you'll get some undesired distortion with the stretching. So you have basically two options: create an image for each screen size/density combination, or create four 9-patch images.

最难的解决方案是设计一个不同的启动画面的每一个解决方案。您可以通过以下表格中的决议案此页面年底开始(有更多的例:960×720没有被列入其中)。假设你有一些小细节的形象,如小文,你要设计一个以上的屏幕,每个分辨率。例如,正在显示一个480x800的图像中的中等屏幕看起来不错,但在一个较小的屏幕(高密度/ DPI)的标识可能会变得太小,或者一些文本可能变得不可读。

The hardest solution is to design a different splash screen for every single resolution. You can start by following the resolutions in the table at the end of this page (there are more. Example: 960 x 720 is not listed there). And assuming you have some small detail in the image, such as small text, you have to design more than one screen for each resolution. For example, a 480x800 image being displayed in a medium screen might look ok, but on a smaller screen (with higher density/dpi) the logo might become too small, or some text might become unreadable.


The other solution is to create a 9-patch image. It is basically a 1-pixel-transparent-border around your image, and by drawing black pixels in the top and left area of this border you can define which portions of your image will be allowed to stretch. I won't go into the details of how 9-patch images work but, in short, the pixels that align to the markings in the top and left area are the pixels that will be repeated to stretch the image.

您可以在Photoshop这些图像(或任何图像编辑软件,它可以准确地创建透明的PNG图像)。 的1个像素的边框已经是全透明的。 的1像素的透明边框已经成为各地的图像,而不只是上边和左边。 您只能画在这方面的黑色(#000000)像素。 的顶部和左侧边框(其中定义图像拉伸)只能有一个点(1 x 1像素),两个点(包括1 x 1像素),或一个连续的行(宽x 1像素或1像素×高)。 如果您选择使用2个点,图像将被按比例扩大(所以每个点会轮流扩大,直到最后的宽度/高度实现) 的1px的边框已经成为除了预期的基本文件尺寸。因此100×100 9-补丁图像具有实际上具有102x102(100×100 + 1像素进行上,下,左,右) 9,补片图像必须要以* .9.png


So you can place 1 dot on either side of your logo (in the top border), and 1 dot above and below it (on the left border), and these marked rows and columns will be the only pixels to stretch.


Here's a 9-patch image, 102x102px (100x100 final size, for app purposes):


Here's a 200% zoom of the same image:


Notice the 1px marks on top and left saying which rows/columns will expand.


Here's what this image would look like in 100x100 inside the app:


And here's what it would like if expanded to 460x140:


One last thing to consider. These images might look fine on your monitor screen and on most mobiles, but if the device has a very high image density (dpi), the image would look too small. Probably still legible, but on a tablet with 1920x1200 resolution, the image would appear as a very small square in the middle. So what's the solution? Design 4 different 9-patch launcher images, each for a different density set. To ensure that no shrinking will occur, you should design in the lowest common resolution for each density category. Shrinking is undesirable here because 9-patch only accounts for stretching, so in a shrinking process small text and other elements might lose legibility.


Here's a list of the smallest, most common resolutions for each density category:

XLARGE(xhdpi):640×960 大(华电国际):480×800 在介质(MDPI):小320x480 小(LDPI):240×​​320

因此​​,在上述决议案设计四溅屏幕,展开图像,把1px的透明边框的画布四周,标志着该行/列会拉伸。请记住,这些图像将用于的任意的设备密度类,所以你LDPI图像(240×320)可能会被拉伸至1024×600的超大平板电脑的小图像密度(〜120 DPI )。所以9个补丁是用于拉伸,只要你不想要的照片或复杂的图形启动画面的最佳解决方案(记住这些限制为您创建的设计)。

So design four splash screens in the above resolutions, expand the images, putting a 1px transparent border around the canvas, and mark which rows/columns will be stretchable. Keep in mind these images will be used for ANY device in the density category, so your ldpi image (240 x 320) might be stretched to 1024x600 on an extra large tablet with small image density (~120 dpi). So 9-patch is the best solution for the stretching, as long as you don't want a photo or complicated graphics for a splash screen (keep in mind these limitations as you create the design).


Again, the only way for this stretching not to happen is to design one screen each resolution (or one for each resolution-density combination, if you want to avoid images becoming too small/big on high/low density devices), or to tell the image not to stretch and have a background color appear wherever stretching would occur (also remember that a specific color rendered by the Android engine will probably look different from the same specific color rendered by photoshop, because of color profiles).


I hope this made any sense. Good luck!