
由网友(最后一刻才明白)分享简介:我使用 Android的工作室,以发展我的应用程序,因为它被释放。I use Android Studio to develop my app since it's was released.一切工作很好,直到最近,我有调试一起检查数据库文件。Everything works nice until recentl...

我使用 Android的工作室,以发展我的应用程序,因为它被释放。

I use Android Studio to develop my app since it's was released.


Everything works nice until recently, I have to debug together with checking the database file.


Since I don't know how to see the database directly, When i debugged to generat the database file, i have to export the database file from my phone to the PC.

为了做到这一点,我不得不打开 DDMS-> FileExplor ,有一次我打开 DDM的,我必须重新连接 USB ,这将失去我的调试线程

In order to do this, i have to open DDMS->FileExplor, Once i open DDMs, i have to reconnect the USB, which will lose my debug thread.

检查数据库文件之后,我不得不关闭 DDMS 并重新连接 USB 再次返回到调试模式

After checking the database file, i have to close the DDMS and reconnect the USB again to get back to the debug mode.

这太复杂!任何人都可以找到一个更好的方式来做到这一点?我在 Android的工作室的意思。 我知道Eclipse一样,在这方面具有优势。

It's just too complicated !!! Anyone can find a better way to do this? I mean under Android Studio. I know Eclipse does better in this aspect.



Finally, i found a simplest solution which do not need to open the DDMS.


Actually, the solution is based on what @Distwo mentioned, but it don't have to be that complicated.

第一,记得你的数据库文件中的设备的路径,它应该跳投相同。    例如我的是: /data/data/com.XXX.module/databases/com.XXX.module.database

First, remember the path of your database file in the device, it should aways the same. For example mine is:/data/data/com.XXX.module/databases/com.XXX.module.database


Second, execute this command which pulls your database file onto you PC

 adb pull /data/data/com.XXX.module/databases/com.XXX.module.database /Users/somePathOnYourPC/


What you need to do is just copy and store this command, then you can use it again and again.


Third, if you got Permission Denied or something like that, just run adb root before the previous command.


