
由网友(篮球少年大暖男i)分享简介:我一直在寻找对我的问题的答案一段时间,但我didn`t得到我所需要的。我有一个ListView的应用程序,并形成在那里我可以添加新的记录到数据库中。所以没有太多的查询做I was looking for a while for answer on my question but I didn`t get what I...


I was looking for a while for answer on my question but I didn`t get what I need. I have an application with a ListView, and form where I can add new record to DB. So there is not much queries to do.


How to handle connections to db ? Should I close it after getting what I want or should I keep it open whole time until app is closed ? I want to know what is the best way while thinking about performence and battery life.



According to this post by a Google engineer, there's nothing wrong with leaving the database connection open:

Android的做了一个深思熟虑的设计决策是可以令人惊讶,   只是放弃了对应用程序干净退出的整体思路和   而不是让内核清理自己的资源。毕竟,   内核需要能够反正做到这一点。由于设计,保持   什么的开放进程的生命的整个过程,从来没有关闭它根本就不是一个泄漏。它将被清理时   过程被清除。

Android made a deliberate design decision that is can seem surprising, to just give up on the whole idea of applications cleanly exiting and instead let the kernel clean up their resources. After all, the kernel needs to be able to do this anyway. Given that design, keeping anything open for the entire duration of a process's life and never closing it is simply not a leak. It will be cleaned up when the process is cleaned up.


So, for simplicity, I would extend the Application class to provide a single well-defined entry point for your code, and open the database connection in its onCreate(). Store the DB connection as a field in your Application, and provide an accessor method to make the connection available to rest of your code.


Then, don't worry about closing it.