
由网友(越爱越难过)分享简介:Android上的的WebView 控件,它支持SSL?The WebView control on android, does it support SSL?我试图加载使用受信任的SSL证书,但网页的的WebView 仅仅是白色的。I am trying to load a web page that use...

Android上的的WebView 控件,它支持SSL?

The WebView control on android, does it support SSL?

我试图加载使用受信任的SSL证书,但网页的的WebView 仅仅是白色的。

I am trying to load a web page that uses a trusted ssl certificate but the WebView is just white.



不是专家,正是我可以在网上找到。 从我个人理解,web视图确实支持SSL,但是,空白屏幕是显示web视图不相信该证书是有效的。这可能发生在一个证书是自签名或由未成立于安卓(完全有效的证书不验证)根权威性。在任何情况下,如果你使用的是升级Froyo或更好的,你可以尝试这样的:

Not an expert, just what i could find on the web. from what I understand, the WebView does indeed support ssl, however, the blank screen is an indication that the WebView does not believe that the certificate is valid. This may happen with a certificate that is self-signed or a from a root auth that is not set up in android (perfectly valid cert does not validate). In any case, if you are using froyo or better you can try something like:

import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;
import android.net.http.SslError;


engine = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.my_webview);
engine.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {

    public void onReceivedSslError (WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {

