
由网友(捧一束彼岸花)分享简介:刚刚下载的Andr​​oid工作室它是基于断的IntelliJ IDE中。Just downloaded Android Studio which is based off of the Intellij ide.如何将一个创建测试?我注意到有用于创建一个测试模块一个选择,但是这似乎并没有做任何事情,只有创建SR...

刚刚下载的Andr​​oid工作室它是基于断的IntelliJ IDE中。

Just downloaded Android Studio which is based off of the Intellij ide.



I notice there is a option for create a Test Module but this doesn't seem to do anything, only create a new project with src

我也试过pressing热键CTRL + ALT + T,允许在现有的类创建单元测试,但它似乎想将其放置在当前项目。当然,这并不能帮助TDD

I also tried pressing the hot key CTRL+AlT+T which allows to create unit tests on an existing class but it seems to want to place it in the current project. Of course this doesn't help with TDD


Does anyone have any experience here ?


编辑:由于 0.1.8本现在在IDE 支持。请遵循而不是使用下面的说明中有说明。

As of 0.1.8 this is now supported in the IDE. Please follow the instructions in there, instead of using the instructions below.

继 Android的摇篮Plugin用户我指南能够通过对新创建的项目执行以下步骤来获得测试工作在命令行(我使用的是默认com.example.myapplication'包):

Following the Android Gradle Plugin User Guide I was able to get tests working on the command line by performing the following steps on a newly created project (I used the default 'com.example.myapplication' package):

添加一个src / instrumentTest / java目录为测试 添加一个测试类(延伸ActivityTestCase)在包com.example.myapplication.test 在启动一个虚拟设备 在命令行(在MyApplicationProject / MyApplication的目录)使用命令../gradlew connectedInstrumentTest

这跑了我的测试,并放置在测试结果中MyApplicationProject /所有MyApplication /编译/报告/ instrumentTests /连接。我是新来测试Android应用程序,但它似乎很好地工作。

This ran my tests and placed the test results in MyApplicationProject/MyApplication/build/reports/instrumentTests/connected. I'm new to testing Android apps, but it seem to work fine.


From within the IDE, it's possible to try and run the same test class. You'll need to

更新build.gradle列出的Maven中央为回购 更新build.gradle添加的JUnit 3.8作为instrumentTestCompile依赖如instrumentTestCompile'的JUnit:JUnit的:3.8 在项目结构手动移动JUnit来先在依赖顺序


However this fails (the classpath used when running the tests is missing the test output directory). However, I'm not sure that this would work regardless as it's my understanding that an Android specific test runner is required.


