
由网友(凉意)分享简介:我是一个开始,Android软件开发者,最近我听说HAXM,与工作在仿真器更加流畅支持。于是我下载了相应的文件(在Win 7 64位),解压后开始安装。但是,在安装目录过程中,我得到了一个错误:I'm a beginning Android software developer, recently I heard a...

我是一个开始,Android软件开发者,最近我听说HAXM,与工作在仿真器更加流畅支持。于是我下载了相应的文件(在Win 7 64位),解压后开始安装。但是,在安装目录过程中,我得到了一个错误:

I'm a beginning Android software developer, recently I heard about HAXM, that support with working on emulator more smooth. So I downloaded the appropriate file(on Win 7 64 bit), unpacked and started installing. But during the instalation process I got an error:


"This computer meets requirements for HAXM, but VT-x is not turned on..."


I checked many forum with threads connected with this problem, including checking the version of BIOS, enabling Virtual Technology on BIOS. I wanted to make these steps posted in other topic:

Intel HAXM安装错误 - 这台计算机不支持英特尔虚拟化技术(VT-x)的


But I don't have the line about Hyperlaunch. I also don't have the folder about Hyper-V in my Windows features. I don't have any idea how to solve that problem.


即使你已经启用了在BIOS设置中的虚拟化技术(VT),一些杀毒选项prevent HAXM安装。

Even if you have enabled the Virtualization(VT) in BIOS settings, some antivirus options prevent HAXM installation.

例如的:在设置下(参数应用)选项卡>疑难解答(DEPANNAGE)Avast的防病毒软件,你应该的取消选中启用硬件辅助虚拟化(activer L'援助一拉虚拟化)。

For example: In Avast antivirus under Settings (parametres) tab > Troubleshooting (depannage), you should uncheck "Enable Hardware-assisted Virtualization" ("activer l'assistance a la virtualisation").

现在重新启动计算机并重新安装英特尔HAXM可在〜SDK_LOCATION 演员中找到英特尔 Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager 。您也可以手动下载独立HAXM安装程序从英特尔的网站。

Now restart your computer and re-install the Intel's HAXM which can be found under ~SDK_LOCATIONextrasintelHardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. You can also manually download the standalone HAXM installer from Intel's website.


