
由网友(笑谈心酸)分享简介:所以,我一直在尝试这一点,因为许多天。找不到任何东西任何地方。So I have been trying this since many days. Could not find anything anywhere.当我尝试打电话给朋友与Facebook的Andr​​oid SDK的对话框中,它返回这个错误:Wh...


So I have been trying this since many days. Could not find anything anywhere.

当我尝试打电话给朋友与Facebook的Andr​​oid SDK的对话框中,它返回这个错误:

When I try to call the Friends dialog with Facebook Android SDK it return this error:

API错误code:3   API错误说明:未知的方法   错误信息:不支持此方法对于这款显示器类型

API Error Code: 3 API Error Description: Unknown method Error Message: This method isn't supported for this display type


I didn't find anything on documentation pages telling that friends dialog is not allowed on touch devices. I am using the following code to do this:

Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("id", "brent");
Log.i("In on click", params.toString());
mFacebook.dialog(TestActivity.this, "friends", params, new SampleDialogListener());


If it's not allowed is there any alternative way to send a friend request from within an application?



The underlying problem is that the Facebook API is not yet ready for all the display types, and the friends dialog cannot be shown for the mobile display. What you can do is to change the Facebook android library: if you use "popup" display mode instead of "touch" and www.facebook.com instead of m.facebook.com while opening the dialog, a proper window will appear in the Facebook librarys standard WebView.


For this, change the dialog function of Facebook.java as follows:

protected static String DIALOG_BASE_URL = "https://m.facebook.com/dialog/";
protected static String DIALOG_BASE_URL_FOR_MISSING_SCREENS = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/";

public void dialog(Context context, String action, Bundle parameters,
        final DialogListener listener) {

    boolean missingScreen = action.contentEquals("friends") ? true : false;

    String endpoint = missingScreen ? DIALOG_BASE_URL_FOR_MISSING_SCREENS : DIALOG_BASE_URL;
    endpoint += action;

    parameters.putString("display", missingScreen ? "popup" : "touch");
    parameters.putString("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URI);

    if (action.equals(LOGIN)) {
        parameters.putString("type", "user_agent");
        parameters.putString("client_id", mAppId);
    } else {
        parameters.putString("app_id", mAppId);

    if (isSessionValid()) {
        parameters.putString(TOKEN, getAccessToken());
    String url = endpoint + "?" + Util.encodeUrl(parameters);
    if (context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.INTERNET)
            != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        Util.showAlert(context, "Error",
                "Application requires permission to access the Internet");
    } else {
        new FbDialog(context, url, listener).show();


After that you might want to remove the double title bar from the dialog as well. Go to FbDialog.java, and insert something similar to onPageFinished:

if (url.contains("friends?")) {

