
由网友(坐在坟前唱领悟)分享简介:我试图以编程方式滚动的WebView在DOM树的特定元素的位置。但到目前为止,我还没有能够得到的WebView响应滚动请求。我试过使用 window.scrollTo(...)调用JavaScript的,但的WebView没有响应。在Java方面,我已经打过电话了 WebView.flingScroll(...)方法。...

我试图以编程方式滚动的WebView在DOM树的特定元素的位置。但到目前为止,我还没有能够得到的WebView响应滚动请求。我试过使用 window.scrollTo(...)调用JavaScript的,但的WebView没有响应。在Java方面,我已经打过电话了 WebView.flingScroll(...)方法。的WebView会回应 flingScroll ,但我需要的是一个 scrollTo(...)的能力。任何想法?

I'm trying to programmatically scroll a WebView to the location of a particular element in the DOM tree. But so far I haven't been able to get the WebView to respond to scroll requests. I've tried calling JavaScript that uses window.scrollTo(...), but the WebView doesn't respond. On the Java side, I've tried calling the WebView.flingScroll(...) method. WebView will respond to flingScroll, but what I need is a scrollTo(...) capability. Any ideas?


我发现这个问题的一个更好的答案。事实证明,WebView功能确实有scrollTo(),getScrollX()和getScrollY()方法,如你所期望。他们有点隐藏在文档中,因为他们从View继承(通过AbsoluteLayout - >的ViewGroup - >查看)。这显然​​是一个更好的方式来操作比有些繁琐的JavaScript接口的WebView的滚动位置。

I've found a better answer to this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo(), getScrollX() and getScrollY() methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden in the documentation because they're inherited from View (via AbsoluteLayout -> ViewGroup -> View). This is obviously a better way to manipulate the WebView's scroll position than the somewhat cumbersome JavaScript interface.


