
由网友(一杯清酒当人生)分享简介:我称之为从JavaActivity一个NativeActivity的。我NativeActivity的的切入点是I call a NativeActivity from a JavaActivity. The entry point of my NativeActivity is android_main(struc...


I call a NativeActivity from a JavaActivity. The entry point of my NativeActivity is

 android_main(struct android_app* state)


At the end of this, I call


不过我的祖国的活动只是挂起,而不是返回到Java活动调用它(这是简单的使用 startActivity 调用)。现在看来似乎处于暂停状态。我可以得到它返回到previous活动的唯一方法是通过调用退出(0)在我android_main的结束,然而,这杀死的过程和原因其他问题。

However my native activity just hangs, instead of returning to the Java Activity that called it (it was called simply using startActivity). It seems like it is in a pause state. The only way I can get it to return to the previous activity is by calling exit(0) at the end of my android_main, however this kills the process and causes other issues.


How can I successfully exit my NativeActivity and return to the JavaActivity that called it?


我碰到了同样的问题。基本上,它为我的作品时ANativeActivity_finish(..)被称为主循环,因为它无效状态,并完成设置语句>的静态无效android_app_destroy调用ANativeActivity_finish(..)之后destroyRequested 1(结构android_app应用程序本身* android_app)(android_native_app_glue.c C:173)

I run into the same problem. Basically it works for me when ANativeActivity_finish(..) is called in the main loop, because it invalidates the states and finishes the app itself by setting state->destroyRequested to 1 after calling ANativeActivity_finish(..) in static void android_app_destroy(struct android_app* android_app) (android_native_app_glue.c C:173).

void android_main(struct android_app* state) 
  // Attach current state if needed
  state->activity->vm->AttachCurrentThread(&state->activity->env, NULL);
  // our main loop for the app. Will only return once the game is really finished.
  while (true) {
    while ((ident=ALooper_pollAll(engine.animating ? 0 : -1, NULL, &events,(void**)&source)) >= 0) {
      // Check if we are exiting. Which is the case once we called ANativeActivity_finish(state->activity);
      if (state->destroyRequested != 0) 
         // Quit our app stuff herehere
         // detatch from current thread (if we have attached in the beginning)
         // return the main, so we get back to our java activity which calle the nativeactivity
    if (engine.animating) 
      // animation stuff here
    // if our app told us to finish

那么这是为时已晚,你我猜,但我花了这么多时间就可以了,因为我无法找到一个sultion所以我张贴在这里为大家谁运行到同样的问题。更多关于其他棘手的问题涉及到分离和附加的呼叫可以在这里找到:Access安卓APK资产直接在C ++中没有资产管理的数据和复制


