
由网友(清花照凉颜)分享简介:我需要从一个服务引用的主要活动。I need to get a reference to the main Activity from a Service.这是我设计的:MainActivity.java public class MainActivity extendsActivity{private In...


I need to get a reference to the main Activity from a Service.



public class MainActivity extendsActivity{
private Intent myIntent;
 myIntent=new Intent(MainActivity.this, MyService.class);

 btnStart.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
  public void onClick(View V){


class MyService extends Service{

 public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
  return null;

 //Here I need to have a MainActivity reference
 //to pass it to another object


How can I do?

感谢所有的答案! 这个程序是一个Web服务器,那在这一刻只适用于螺纹,我想用一个服务,而不是,使其也在后台工作。 问题是,我有一个类,它是负责获得资产的页面,并要做到这一点的操作,我需要用这个方法:

Thanks to all for the answers! This app is a web server, that at this moment works only with threads, and I want to use a service instead, to make it work also in background. The problem is that I've a class that is responsible to get the page from assets, and to do this operation I need to use this method:

InputStream iS =myActivity.getAssets().open("www/"+filename); 


At this moment my project has only one Activity and no services, so I can pass the main activity's reference directly from itself:

WebServer ws= new DroidWebServer(8080,this);


So, in order to make this app works with a service, what should I change in my design?



You didn't explained why you need this. But this is definitely bad design. Storing references to Activity is the first thing you shouldn't do with activities. Well, you can, but you must track Activity lifecycle and release the reference after its onDestroy() is called. If you are not doing this, you'll get memory leak (when configuration changes, for example). And, well, after onDestroy() is called activity is considered dead and is most likely useless anyway.


So just don't store the reference in Service. Describe what you need to achieve instead. I'm sure there are better alternatives out there.



Ok, so you do not actually need reference to Activity. Instead you need reference to Context (which in your case should be ApplicationContent to not keep reference to Activity or any other component for that matter).


Assuming you have separate class that handles WebService request:

class WebService 
     private final Context mContext;
     public WebService(Context ctx) 
        //The only context that is safe to keep without tracking its lifetime
        //is application context. Activity context and Service context can expire
        //and we do not want to keep reference to them and prevent 
        //GC from recycling the memory.
        mContext = ctx.getApplicationContext(); 

     public void someFunc(String filename) throws IOException 
         InputStream iS = mContext.getAssets().open("www/"+filename); 


Now you can create & use WebService instance from Service (which is recommended for such background tasks) or even from Activity (which is much trickier to get right when web service calls or long background tasks are involved).


class MyService extends Service
    WebService mWs;
    public void onCreate()
        mWs = new WebService(this);

       //you now can call mWs.someFunc() in separate thread to load data from assets.

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
        return null;