片段取向变化 - 比景观更好的测试取向、片段、景观、测试

由网友(情、不知所起而一往情深)分享简介:在风景模式,我被一个活动控制的两个FrameLayouts,利用两个片段。在肖像模式,我被一个活动一的FrameLayout控制,在选择线路我调用另一个活动使用的细节片段显示详细信息In 'Landscape' mode I have two FrameLayouts controlled by One Activi...


In 'Landscape' mode I have two FrameLayouts controlled by One Activity and utilizing two Fragments. In 'Portrait' mode I have one FrameLayout controlled by One Activity, on Selecting a Line I call another activity to display the detail using a detail fragment


In the 'Portrait' detail activity I have the following check for orientation in the onCreate() method.

如果(getResources()。getConfiguration()。方向== Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE){     完();     返回; }

if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { finish(); return; }



A problem arises though when I have a 'small' device. In this case in 'Landscape' mode I don't want the two fragment view, rather I want to behave like the 'portrait' view. However since the device is in fact in 'Landscape' when the detail activity launches it automatically finishes.


So the questions is what is the best way of handling this?


,或创建一个布尔值(从谷歌IO 2012)自定义资源

or create a custom resource with a bool value (from google io 2012)

<!-- in your values/custom.xml -->
    <bool name="small_screen">true</bool>  
    <bool name="normal_screen">false</bool>  

<!-- in your values-sw320dp/custom.xml -->
    <bool name="small_screen">false</bool>  
    <bool name="normal_screen">true</bool>


NOTE: You have to define a minimum screenwidth (sw320dp) for which you will consider a screen not to be small (link with more info)


The advantage is that you can read this value at runtime & you can have special cases for special resource qualifiers... E.g. you can read this value at runtime by calling in your activity:

if(getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.small_screen)) {
    // You have a screen which is < 320dp
} else {
    // You have a screen which is >= 320dp


You can even use this boolean resource in your manifest like so, to start a completely different activity for small screens

<activity android:name="SmallScreenActivity" 
          android:enabled="@bool/small_screen">  <!-- ENABLE FOR SMALL SCREEN -->
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

<activity android:name="NormalActivity" 
          android:enabled="@bool/normal_screen"> <!-- ENABLE FOR OTHER -->
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

此方式,您可以简单地使用一个活动的正常情况下(机器人:启用=@布尔/ normal_screen),并使用一个特殊的活动小屏幕的android:启用=@布尔/ small_screen

This way you can simply use an Activity for the normal case (android:enabled="@bool/normal_screen") and use a special activity for small screen android:enabled="@bool/small_screen"

警告:因为蜂窝在较新的设备,这个方法将无法正常工作 您可以阅读为什么不允许再此方法或read关于工作类似的解决方案


