
由网友(◤踏碎这一场盛世烟花)分享简介:也许很容易,但我真的不能算出这个正确的那么远,我有一个的BroadcastReceiver 等待获得由AlarmMangager触发 - 这工作正常Maybe it's easy, but I couldn't really figure this out right so far... I got a Broadc...

也许很容易,但我真的不能算出这个正确的那么远,我有一个的BroadcastReceiver 等待获得由AlarmMangager触发 - 这工作正常

Maybe it's easy, but I couldn't really figure this out right so far... I got a BroadcastReceiver waiting to get triggered by the AlarmMangager - this works fine.

现在:因为该事件,如果它发生,需要刷新的主要活动的屏幕一些内容,我想从这样的背景下的BroadcastReceiver发送的意图,我的活动 - 但是只有如果它是目前在前台,又名活性

Now: because the event, if it occurs, needs to refresh some elements on screen of the main Activity, I would like to send an Intent from that background BroadcastReceiver to my Activity - but only if it is currently in the foreground, aka active.

如果它不运行或不可见的,我不在乎 - 我想做的最后一件事是我的意图开始的活动!我把手重新粉刷在我的onResume()方法的意见,所以我不关心的。

If it is not running or not visible, I don't care - and the last thing I want to do is start the Activity by my intent! I handle repainting of the views in my onResume() method, so I don't care at all.

这是如何做到这一点的任何提示? 谢谢!

Any hints on how to do that? Thanks!


my BroadcastReceiver is waiting for alarms that must be notified to the user. So, it must be there and declared in the manifest. The problem is: it will have to decide whether the mentioned Activity is currently up in front or not.



So this is almost Bino's answer, but: instead of moving the receiver into the activity, use two receivers, with different Intents. The first one is your original alarm Intent, with a receiver registered in the manifest as you already have, and then that receiver sends a second broadcast intent, which is handled by a receiver registered by the activity as Bino says.


I've done this in my own timer project, on github. Here are the alarm receiver and the requery receiver. Hope that helps.


