
由网友(んoиɡ粧,涙zùī心柢魡痛)分享简介:在这里,我需要像视图中显示同时在屏幕上只有三张图片画廊。在此,中间图像将比在其两侧的两个其他图像更大。Here I need a gallery like view with only three images to be shown at a time on screen. In this the middle...


Here I need a gallery like view with only three images to be shown at a time on screen. In this the middle image will be larger than the two other images on its sides.


If the user scrolls the view next images will slide on screen as it does in gallery and at a time only three images will be shown out of which the center image should automatically zoom when it is shown on screen and remaining two should be smaller than it.

下面我不能使用画廊,因为它是pciated Android中去$ P $。

Here I can't use gallery because it is depreciated in android.


I was able to make a gallery like view with help of viewpager using code on this link. It shows only three images on screen at a time, which fits my one requirement. But i am not able to get the central image that is visible on screen and zoom it. Although I was able to get the clicked image on screen.

有人能告诉我在哪里,我需要修改这 code和什么我需要在它添加到获取是从屏幕上显示的图像中心的形象,并放大。

Can someone please tell me where do I need to modify this code and what I need to add in it to get the image that is in center from the images shown on screen and zoom it.


我也曾尝试: -

在GridView控件与水平滚动 Horizo​​ntalScrollView与水平线性布局


but viewpager seems to be a better solution, because it stops the scrolling with only three items on screen because of viewpager's inherent properties.



and If someone knows any other method to achieve it, please tell me and I'll try it.

PS 谁想要充分code,我将它作为一个答案,其中有变焦能力也。 只是一些补充的接受的答案的:)

P.S. For anyone who wants the full code, I have added it as an answer, which has zoom capability also. Just few additions in accepted answer. :)



Override setPrimaryItem in your ViewPager and make the center item bigger.


What was the issue with using a HorizontalScrollView with a LinearLayout? If it's centering you may be able to do something similar to this (assuming you've

 * A centering HSV loosely based on http://iotasol.blogspot.com/2011/08/creating-custom-horizontal-scroll-view.html
public class CenteringHorizontalScrollView extends HorizontalScrollView implements View.OnTouchListener {

    private static final int SWIPE_PAGE_ON_FACTOR = 10;

    private int mActiveItem;

    private float mPrevScrollX;

    private boolean mStart;

    private int mItemWidth;

    public CenteringHorizontalScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

        mItemWidth = 100; // or whatever your item width is.

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        int x = (int) event.getRawX();

        boolean handled = false;
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                if (mStart) {
                    mPrevScrollX = x;
                    mStart = false;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                mStart = true;
                int minFactor = mItemWidth / SWIPE_PAGE_ON_FACTOR;

                if ((mPrevScrollX - (float) x) > minFactor) {
                    if (mActiveItem < getMaxItemCount() - 1) {
                        mActiveItem = mActiveItem + 1;
                else if (((float) x - mPrevScrollX) > minFactor) {
                    if (mActiveItem > 0) {
                        mActiveItem = mActiveItem - 1;


                handled = true;

        return handled;

    private int getMaxItemCount() {
        return ((LinearLayout) getChildAt(0)).getChildCount();

    private LinearLayout getLinearLayout() {
        return (LinearLayout) getChildAt(0);

     * Centers the current view the best it can.
    public void centerCurrentItem() {
        if (getMaxItemCount() == 0) {

        int currentX = getScrollX();
        View targetChild;
        int currentChild = -1;

        do {
            targetChild = getLinearLayout().getChildAt(currentChild);
        } while (currentChild < getMaxItemCount() && targetChild.getLeft() < currentX);

        if (mActiveItem != currentChild) {
            mActiveItem = currentChild;

     * Scrolls the list view to the currently active child.
    private void scrollToActiveItem() {
        int maxItemCount = getMaxItemCount();
        if (maxItemCount == 0) {

        int targetItem = Math.min(maxItemCount - 1, mActiveItem);
        targetItem = Math.max(0, targetItem);

        mActiveItem = targetItem;

        // Scroll so that the target child is centered
        View targetView = getLinearLayout().getChildAt(targetItem);

        int targetLeft = targetView.getLeft();
        int childWidth = targetView.getRight() - targetLeft;

        int width = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
        int targetScroll = targetLeft - ((width - childWidth) / 2);

        super.smoothScrollTo(targetScroll, 0);

     * Sets the current item and centers it.
     * @param currentItem The new current item.
    public void setCurrentItemAndCenter(int currentItem) {
        mActiveItem = currentItem;

