
由网友(眉间万般柔情)分享简介:我在API的说明getShared preferences(字符串,INT)检查,第二属性定义可访问模式,可以采取0或MODE_PRIVATE的默认操作,MODE_WORLD_READABLE和MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE控制权限。As I checked in APIs description for...

我在API的说明getShared preferences(字符串,INT)检查,第二属性定义可访问模式,可以采取0或MODE_PRIVATE的默认操作,MODE_WORLD_READABLE和MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE控制权限。

As I checked in APIs description for getSharedPreferences(String, int),Second attribute is defining accessibility mode and can take 0 or MODE_PRIVATE for the default operation, MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE to control permissions.


But there is this small note in API description:

注:目前这一类   (android.content.Shared preferences)   不支持跨多个应用   流程。这将在以后添加。

Note: currently this class (android.content.SharedPreferences) does not support use across multiple processes. This will be added later.

此外,在马克L.墨菲的书开头的Andr​​oid 2,他提到:

Moreover in Mark L. Murphy book "beginning Android 2" he mentioned:

(最终,preferences可能   共享跨应用程序,但   不支持作为时间   写这篇文章的)

(Eventually, preferences might be shareable across applications, but that is not supported as of the time of this writing)

我太糊涂了!这是否意味着MODE_WORLD_READABLE getShared prefrences的MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE并且有,但尚不支持最新的API级别???

Im so confused! does this mean that MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE of getSharedPrefrences is there but NOT SUPPORTED YET in latest API level???

谢谢! 米泔



My book reference is based upon that comment.

此外,使 MODE_WORLD_READABLE 的任何文件或(差) MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE 是一个坏主意。你失去了安全的希望。

Moreover, making any file MODE_WORLD_READABLE or (worse) MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE is a bad idea. You lose any hope of security.


If you wish to share data between two applications, there are a myriad of solutions, such as:

与AIDL暴露的API服务 在使用API​​服务威盛 startService()并通过使者或 createPendingResult() PendingIntent 什么 内容提供商 广播意图 service with an API exposed by AIDL service with an API exposed via commands sent via startService() and responses sent via a Messenger or createPendingResult() PendingIntent or something content provider broadcast Intents


All of those allow you to define permissions for integration and let you control the granularity of access.


