
由网友(我的未来我决定)分享简介:这个问题是一个几乎dublicate的 Android应用程序:如何阅读字体大小设置下我读的答案 CommonsWare 这点使用 Settings.System.FONT_SCALE 。所以我写这几行字:This question is a almost dublicate of Android App: how...

这个问题是一个几乎dublicate的 Android应用程序:如何阅读字体大小设置下我读的答案 CommonsWare 这点使用 Settings.System.FONT_SCALE 。所以我写这几行字:

This question is a almost dublicate of Android App: how to read Font Size under Settings? I read the answer of CommonsWare which points to use Settings.System.FONT_SCALE. So I wrote this few lines:

float scale = -66.6f;
try {
    scale = android.provider.Settings.System.getFloat(getContentResolver(),
} catch(SettingNotFoundException e) {
    Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Error: ", e);
Toast.makeText(this, "scale=" + scale, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

我的问题是,我总是得到 SettingNotFoundException 我使用的是Android 4.2.2的设备。顺便说一句我的code是在活动的onCreate 回调。

My problem is that I always get the SettingNotFoundException I'm using an Android 4.2.2 device. By the way I that code is in an onCreate callback of an Activity.

我也用Google搜索这个问题,并发现了大约3个站点,它使用相同的code。是否需要一些特殊的权限?我想也许可 android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS 没有成功。

I also googled for that problem and found about 3 sites which uses the same code. Is some special permission required? I tried also the permission android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS without success.



I just found in the source code of Settings.System this function:

/** @hide */
public static void getConfigurationForUser(ContentResolver cr,
                                       Configuration outConfig, int userHandle) {
    outConfig.fontScale = Settings.System.getFloatForUser(
        cr, FONT_SCALE, outConfig.fontScale, userHandle);
    if (outConfig.fontScale < 0) {
        outConfig.fontScale = 1;

然而,有在 FONT_SCALE 的使用情况,以便我检查了Configuration培训班里的文档指向 getResources()。getConfiguration()。所以我cound通过修复我的code:

There is however the FONT_SCALE in usage so I checked for that Configuration class where the documentation points to getResources().getConfiguration(). So I cound fix my code by using:

float scale = getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale;

