
由网友(望不穿秋水)分享简介:我用的Android的WebView Twitter的OAuth的:微博要求用户登录和授权应用程序,我检索访问令牌,坚持在我的应用程序I use an Android WebView for Twitter OAuth: Twitter asks the user to log in and authorize th...

我用的Android的WebView Twitter的OAuth的:微博要求用户登录和授权应用程序,我检索访问令牌,坚持在我的应用程序

I use an Android WebView for Twitter OAuth: Twitter asks the user to log in and authorize the application, I retrieve the access token and persist it in my application.


I have no need (and do not) store the user password, but the WebView keeps Twitter's cookies around, and it also asks the user if he wants it to remember the password. As a result of this, even after the de-authorizes the application via his Twitter account page, and my application destroys the access tokens, the next time the WebView is opened, it is probably still logged in, and even if not, it has the password box already filled.

我怎么能强迫的WebView不要求记忆的密码,并不会保留会话cookie? 如果这是不可能的,我可以删除其所有的存储状态(也许除了图像缓存)?

How can I force WebView to not ask to remember passwords, and to not persist session cookies? If that is not possible, can I delete all its stored state (except maybe the image cache)?


您可以使用此prevent cookies的存储和干净的饼干已经存储:

You can use this to prevent cookies from being stored and clean cookies already stored:

CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();

WebView webview = new WebView(this);
WebSettings ws = webview.getSettings();
ws.setSavePassword(false); // Not needed for API level 18 or greater (deprecated)

