
由网友(对方正在输入)分享简介:我已经检查这个帖子:How下载相关来源摇篮项目的想法? I have already checked this post:How to download dependency sources for Gradle project in IDEA?但是,这并不为我工作。也许是因为他们所指的IntelliJ IDE...

我已经检查这个帖子: How下载相关来源摇篮项目的想法?

I have already checked this post: How to download dependency sources for Gradle project in IDEA?

但是,这并不为我工作。也许是因为他们所指的IntelliJ IDEA,和我遇到的问题与Android工作室。

But it didn't work for me. Maybe it is because they are referring to IntelliJ Idea, and I am having the issue with Android Studio.


apply plugin: 'idea'
idea {
    module {
        downloadJavadoc = true
        downloadSources = true


Both to root's build.gradle file (I am in a multiproject setup) or to the application's build.gradle file.


My application's gradle file:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4.2'

repositories {
dependencies {
    compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
    compile 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader:universal-image-loader:1.8.4'
android {
    compileSdkVersion 17
    buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 7
        targetSdkVersion 16


Then, in Android Studio when I click on any method from the universalimageloader library, I get to a screen saying that there are no sources attached. If I click attach sources it shows:

正如你所看到的,只有lib中的jar下载到摇篮缓存。否* -sources.jar或*被下载-javadoc.jar。我已清理的项目,除去.gradle文件夹,迫使它从行家重新下载。没有运气。

As you can see, only the lib's jar was downloaded to gradle cache. No *-sources.jar or *-javadoc.jar were downloaded. I have cleaned project, removed .gradle folder to force it to download again from maven. No luck.


I double checked that universal image loaded has sources and javadoc available in maven, so that is not the problem.



目前Android的工作室进口图书馆与资源。至于Java文档preSS F1。

Currently Android Studio imports libraries with sources. As for java docs press F1.



As we are talking about early preview, simplest fix wins.

有关,现在只需手动添加到项目结构对话框中的项目。事情甚至更糟,因为现在的Andr​​oid Studio会从哪个不相关的原生Android摇篮配置和任务,如所有的依赖剥夺模块文件(IML)模块有robolectric依赖和额外的任务和配置localTest在build.gradle增加。在打开的Andr​​oid工作室它会删除相关性,则需要重新添加。

For now is just manually add them to the project in Project Structure dialog. Things are even worse as now Android Studio will strip module files (iml) from all dependencies which are not related to native Android Gradle configurations and tasks e.g. module has robolectric dependency and extra task and config localTest is added in build.gradle. After you open Android Studio it will remove dependency, you need to add it again.


For time being I am keeping iml files and .idea folder in my git. After launch

git checkout myproject/myproject.iml

