怎样才能锁定使用Java code在Android的文件?文件、Java、code、Android

由网友(Poison丶解药丶)分享简介:我想锁定的文件就是在Android上的SD卡。我需要锁定他们,所以没有人,除了我的软件可以删除复制移动或​​送他们通过蓝牙或任何其他方式。我该怎么办呢? I want to lock files that is on the sdcard of android.I need to lock them so no...

我想锁定的文件就是在Android上的SD卡。 我需要锁定他们,所以没有人,除了我的软件可以删除复制移动或​​送他们通过蓝牙或任何其他方式。 我该怎么办呢?

I want to lock files that is on the sdcard of android. I need to lock them so no one except my software can delete copy move or send them over bluetooth or any other way. How can I do it?



I think you want to encrypt the file. While the file can still be moved around, it will be useless to anything but your application. People will be able to copy, move, delete but the contents won't be compromised.


