
由网友(抹不掉的轻狂)分享简介:什么是有当手机关机并重新状态栏通知坚持的最好方法是什么?唯一的解决办法我能想到的是,在开始响应 BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION 意图服务创建通知。解决方案 唯一的解决办法我能想到的是,在开始响应BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION意图服务创建通知。有关抚养通知,你也许可以得到通过只是在做它在 BOO...

什么是有当手机关机并重新状态栏通知坚持的最好方法是什么?唯一的解决办法我能想到的是,在开始响应 BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION 意图服务创建通知。



有关抚养通知,你也许可以得到通过只是在做它在 BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION 的BroadcastReceiver ,而不是将其委托给服务。不过,我同意,这是AFAIK做到这一点的唯一方法。

只要确保你不这样做,刺激你的用户。大多数人期待一个相对干净的石板,他们重新启动他们的电话时。 Android的假设通知不再与有关重新启动,这就是为什么他们不坚持。


What's the best way to have a status bar notification persist when the phone is turned off and on again? The only solution I can think of is to create the notification in a Service which starts in response to the BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION Intent.

解决方案 三星手机通知栏怎么设置

The only solution I can think of is to create the notification in a Service which starts in response to the BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION Intent.

For raising a Notification, you can probably get by with just doing it in the BOOT_COMPLETED_ACTION BroadcastReceiver, rather than delegating it to a service. However, I agree, this is the only way to do it AFAIK.

Just be sure you do not irritate your users by doing this. Most people expect a relatively clean slate when they reboot their phone. Android assumes that notifications are no longer relevant with a reboot, which is why they do not persist.

So, for example, suppose you were writing an email client, and you use notifications to let the user know about unread messages. The answer should not be "redisplay the unread-message notification after a reboot". The answer should be "check for unread messages after a reboot, and raise the notification if there are unread messages". This way, if there are no unread messages (e.g., user had the phone off for a while and took care of their email on their PC or tablet), they do not get a spurious notification.


