想在我的应用程序中创建谷歌地图导航 - 自定义的方式我的、自定义、应用程序、方式

由网友(花落微凉梦清幽)分享简介:我已经创建了,而我试图通过动画标记的位置显示用户的移动应用程序。I have created an application in which I am trying to show user's movement by animating marker position.在使用谷歌地图V2。使用位置客户端在位置更新...


I have created an application in which I am trying to show user's movement by animating marker position.

在使用谷歌地图V2。 使用位置客户端在位置更新。 在使用新的位置的动画标记。 Using Google map V2. Location updates using location client. Animating marker using new location.


But comparing with Google map navigation, there is no continuity in rendering navigation.


Can anyone suggest a better approach? Thanks!



For continuity, I think you need to fetch regular location updates from location client by giving location request like this.

LocationRequest request = LocationRequest.create()

那么对于流畅的动画,你可以按照史蒂夫贝内特提到的方法。 here


The last case you mentioned in the comment about the path. I also had the same issue in one of my app. I tried with gps route simulator app to mock a route. then comparing my app and google map, googlemap followed the correct road path while my app's marker was moving slightly shifted from road. Then I tried some tweaks with marker. Like this

mPositionMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .anchor(0.5f, 0.5f)
                        new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location

这为我工作。这个定位我的标记在同一个位置的谷歌地图。 (取决于所在的位置的精度虽然)。

This worked for me. This positioned my marker on same location as of google map. (Depends on the accuracy of location though).



