jQuery的bxslider不工作+ JS角NG-重复的问题问题、工作、bxslider、jQuery

由网友(丶青春微凉不离伤)分享简介:我工作的一个角的js项目中,我得到的术语数量,我使用的纳克重复,以显示在前端的每一项。正常工作。我已经在 BX滑块(jQuery的响应bxslider)表明,它们 I'm working on a Angular js project where I get number of terms and i'm using...

我工作的一个角的js项目中,我得到的术语数量,我使用的纳克重复,以显示在前端的每一项。正常工作。我已经在 BX滑块(jQuery的响应bxslider)表明,它们

I'm working on a Angular js project where I get number of terms and i'm using ng repeat to show each term in the front end .it works fine.I have shown them in a bx slider (jquery responsive bxslider)


的Javascript code

  <script type="text/javascript">
        slideWidth: 300,
        minSlides: 2,
        maxSlides: 3,
        moveSlides: 1,
        slideMargin: 10

HTML code

<div class="slider4">
    <div ng-repeat="term in terms" >  {{term.name}}</div>   

我可以看到所有的条款都是加载很好,但当我点击箭头键滑块不起作用。我想不通的issue.I'm pretty确定问题是与 NG-重复即可。因为当我删除NG-重复,只是添加一些图片/分隔的&LT; D​​IV CLASS =slider4&GT;&LT; / DIV&GT; 正常工作

I can see all the terms are loaded nicely but when I click arrow keys slider doesn't work .I can't figure out the issue.I'm pretty sure the problem is with ng-repeat. Because when i remove ng-repeat and just add some images/divs to the <div class="slider4"></div>it works fine.

能有人帮帮我吗?这是为什么不工作? 它是一个平局回到角的js ?我能不能达到我的目标是什么?

Can some one help me? Why is this not working? Is it a draw back in Angular js?Can't I achieve my goal?



bxSlider doesn't work because the jQuery executes before your ng-repeat has finished.


You can use something like finishingmoves' directive to execute a function after ng-repeat has finished.


var module = angular.module('testApp', [])
.directive('onFinishRender', function ($timeout) {
return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function (scope, element, attr) {
        if (scope.$last === true) {
            $timeout(function () {


您可以在这里看到它的一个例子: http://jsfiddle.net/paulocoelho/BsMqq/4/

You can see an example of it here: http://jsfiddle.net/paulocoelho/BsMqq/4/


Hope that helps and don't forget to vote!


