角 - 在服务器改变图像鉴于没有反映图像、服务器

由网友(Sweet.尛晴天)分享简介:我有一个角度应用程序,它向人们展示个人资料图片(从服务器下载),并有一个选项来改变它。 I have an Angular application which shows people profile images(loaded from a server) and has an option to change i...


I have an Angular application which shows people profile images(loaded from a server) and has an option to change it.


When the application loads the first time, the image is displayed properly. I call a web service to change the image on a server. The problem is even after changing the image on remote server, the image on the browser is not reflecting the change even on refreshing the page.


I tried using the meta tags to disable caching but it's not working for me.


The image changes on the browser only after I delete the browser cache. How can I solve this?


初始路径: HTTP://server_path/image_name.jpg 调用Web服务,改变形象(注意:图片的路径不会改变,只有图像本身被替换)刷新浏览器的页面


PROBLEM: Changed image not reflected.



If it is getting cached in the browser, you can force every request for the image to use a different URL, and so always request the server, by appending a different query string to it, say equal to the current number of milliseconds since 1970. A short custom directive is probably a good way:

app.directive('noCacheSrc', function($window) {
  return {
    priority: 99,
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      attrs.$observe('noCacheSrc', function(noCacheSrc) {
        noCacheSrc += '?' + (new Date()).getTime();
        attrs.$set('src', noCacheSrc);


<img no-cache-src="https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230913/921.png.jpg/320px-Swallow_flying_drinking.jpg">

(就像 ngSrc 将被使用)。你可以看到在这个plunker 一个演示。

(much as ngSrc would be used). You can see a demo in this plunker.

请注意,该指令所写可能不会如的src 已经有一个查询字符串工作。它可能需要测试的的presence并调整它的行为(即,如果有一个添加&安培; +秒代替)

Note, the directive as written will probably not work if the src already has a query string. It might need to test for the presence of a ? and adjust how it behaves (i.e. if there is a ?, add & + seconds instead).


simplified by just using one directive.


