
由网友(陶瓷娃娃)分享简介:我遇到了问题的,我相信是植根于实施犀牛锚标记。虽然我使用 env.js ,我怀疑可能是我没有正确配置的东西。 I have run into an issue that I believe is rooted in the implementation of anchor tags in Rhino. Althou...

我遇到了问题的,我相信是植根于实施犀牛锚标记。虽然我使用 env.js ,我怀疑可能是我没有正确配置的东西。

I have run into an issue that I believe is rooted in the implementation of anchor tags in Rhino. Although I am utilizing env.js, I suspect perhaps I am not configuring something correctly.

在特定的,而我试图写对一个angularjs应用程序写入code单元测试时我的问题。当我包括 angular.js (版本1.2.1 present),我收到以下错误:

In particular, my issue occurs while I am attempting to write unit tests against code written for an angularjs application. When I include angular.js (versions 1.2.1 to present), I get the following error:


我相信错误是此调用以 urlParsingNode.pathname 因为的console.log 来电显示,在路径的对象是不确定的。

I am convinced the error is the result of this call to urlParsingNode.pathname since a console.log call reveals that the pathname object is undefined.

我跟踪的 urlParsingNode 来实例化这一行的,我们看到它是使用document.createElement(A)的调用的结果; 再往下,我们看到他们设置了的href 属性,此行的在希望创建锚标记将利用浏览器能够正确解析URL。

I traced the instantiation of the urlParsingNode to this line where we see that it is the result of a call to document.createElement("a"); Further down, we see that they set the href attribute in this line in hopes that the created anchor tag will utilize the browser to correctly parse the URL.

我要相信我不是第一个通过犀牛试图对角JS单元测试,但迄今为止我还没有成功地用Google搜索自己的解决方案。任何提示将大大AP preciated。

I have to believe I'm not the first to attempt JS unit testing for angular via Rhino, but thus far I've not successfully Googled myself to a solution. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.


发现它和固定它。在路径的getter / setter只需在 env.js 。

Found it and fixed it. The pathname getter/setter simply was undefined for HTMLAnchorElement in env.js.

我提交拉申请,但不幸的是这个项目看起来几乎放弃。我也无法弄清楚如何构建它到一个单一的文件。它的出现也许有人已经采取它在他们自己拆开分解成 require.js 模块。不是一个值得打下去的战役为我的使用案例。

I submitted a pull request, but unfortunately the project looks all but abandoned. I also couldn't figure out how to build it out to a single file. It appears perhaps someone has taken it upon themselves to break it apart into require.js modules. Not a battle worth fighting for my use case.

因此​​,对于其他人谁打这个问题,我有code你需要下面。它属于在 HTMLAnchorElement.prototype 。在我的副本 env.js 1.2,这台样机上线8075.我开始在加线8118以下。

So for anyone else who hits this issue, I have the code you need below. It belongs in the HTMLAnchorElement.prototype. In my copy of env.js 1.2, this prototype begins on line 8075. I added the following at line 8118.

get pathname() {
  var uri = Envjs.urlsplit(this.href);
  return uri.path;
set pathname(val) {
  var uri = Envjs.urlsplit(this.href);
  uri.path = val
