
由网友(半成熟半帅气半个我。)分享简介:在一个AngularJS应用程序(主),我有一个 IFRAME 这里面还有另外一个AngularJS应用程序(IFRAME)也是我的控制之下。我想两个服务,一个在主应用程序和一个在iframe应用程序之间共享数据。他们都需要读取和写入相同的对象。In an AngularJS application (main) I...

在一个AngularJS应用程序(主),我有一个 IFRAME 这里面还有另外一个AngularJS应用程序(IFRAME)也是我的控制之下。我想两个服务,一个在主应用程序和一个在iframe应用程序之间共享数据。他们都需要读取和写入相同的对象。

In an AngularJS application (main) I have an iframe inside which there is another AngularJS application (iframe) also under my control. I would like to share data between two services, one in the main application and one in the iframe application. They both need to read and write to the same object.

// main
// ... routes ...
views: { main: {
  controller: function ($scope, serviceA) {
    $scope.serviceA = serviceA;
  templateUrl: 'iframe.html'
// ...
function ServiceA () {
  this.sharedData; // exposed to controllers in main app
// ...

// iframe
// ...
function ServiceB () {
  this.sharedData; // exposed to controllers in iframe app
// ...

在iframe中应用的控制器里面,我设法引用 serviceA.sharedData 是这样的:

When inside a controller in iframe application I managed to reference serviceA.sharedData like this:

var self = this;
var parentScope = $window.parent.angular.element($window.frameElement).scope();
parentScope.$watch('serviceA.sharedData', function (newValue, oldValue) {
  self.sharedData = newValue;


Can this be achieved and how?


I have read the following, but could not turn it into a solution, yet:

绑定角度交叉内部框架,可能吗? Angularjs:调用其他范围这在IFRAME Bind angular cross iframes, possible? Angularjs: call other scope which in iframe



Ok, so here is my solution, I hope this is what you had in mind.


in the controller of the parent application:

mainApp = angular.module('mainApp', []);
mainApp.controller('mainCtrl', ['$scope', 'sharedData', function($scope, sharedData){
    $scope.sharedData = sharedData;
    //your controller logic goes here ...


in the controller of the iframe application:

iframeApp = angular.module('iframeApp', []);
iframeApp.controller('iFrameCtrl', function($scope){
    //here we get the service instance from the parent application, if you 
    //need it in other controllers in the iframe app as well, either get it 
    //there the same way or pass it along via $scope or $rootScope
    var sharedData = window.parent.angular.element(window.frameElement).scope().sharedData;
    //now we can use sharedData the same way as in the parent application controller


sharedData.js (用于共享服务的js文件,需求只能由包括 parent.html

sharedData.js (the js file for the shared service, needs only be included by parent.html)

mainApp.factory('sharedData', function(){
    var list = [];
    var mainScope;
    var iframeScope;

    //this function needs to be called in all setter methods to update the data in both applications
    function update(){
            mainScope = angular.element(document.body).scope();
        //$apply() causes errors in the dev console, $applyAsync doesn't, I don't know why
            //the update function might be called before angular is initialized in the iframe application
                iframeScope = document.getElementById('iframe').contentWindow.angular.element(document.body).scope();
        } else {
    return {
        append: function(item) {
            //don't forget to add this at the end of all setter functions in the service
        getAll: function() { return list }


The stuff with the iframes doesn't work on jsfiddle (cross-origin maybe) so I put my more extensive example on a github page:

https://github.com/sammax/angulariframe (code)

http://sammax.github.io/angulariframe/main/ (结果)