
由网友(洃铯哖輪°)分享简介:我有例如2次:10:00和1:00现在我要检查,如果当前时间... ...是这两个时间之间的JavaScript 。的问题是,在这种情况下,关闭时间是一个第二天所以其openingstime之前。我怎么能这样做出于某种原因,我不能解决这个得到正确的道路。我甲肝efound,这可以解决这个问题: VAR开始=新的日期(...

我有例如2次:10:00和1:00现在我要检查,如果当前时间... ...是这两个时间之间的JavaScript



  VAR开始=新的日期(2012,6,20,13).getTime();。现在VAR =新的日期()的getTime();VAR结束=新的日期(2012,6,21,2).getTime();如果((&开始LT;现在)及及(今<结束)){  的console.log(开);}其他{ 的console.log(封闭);} 


 变种D =新的日期();变种D =新的日期(毫秒);变种D =新的日期(dateString);变种D =新的日期(年,月,日,时,分,秒,毫秒); 

解决方案 2019升学季 今年85所全市招生的民办初中汇总,附 招生要求 学费


 函数getMinutes(STR){    VAR时间= str.split(':');    返回时间[0] * 60 +时间[1] * 1;} 


 函数getMinutesNow(){    VAR timeNow =新的日期();    返回timeNow.getHours()* 60 + timeNow.getMinutes();} 


  VAR现在= getMinutesNow();VAR开始= getMinutes('10:00');VAR结束= getMinutes('2:00');如果(开始>结束)结束+ = getMinutes('24:00');如果((现>启动)及及(今<结束)){//你的code在这里 

I have 2 times for example: 10:00 and 1:00 now i want to check if current time... is between these 2 times in javascript.

The problem is that the closing time in this case is a next day so its before the openingstime. How can i do this the proper way for some reason i can not get around this.

i hav efound that this could solve it:

    var start = new Date(2012,6,20,13).getTime();
var now = new Date().getTime();
var end = new Date(2012,6,21,2).getTime();

if( (start < now ) && (now < end )) {
else {

but how can i do it with 2 string formats like 10:00 and 2:00 because i do not see a option to put a time alone

var d = new Date();
var d = new Date(milliseconds);
var d = new Date(dateString);
var d = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);


You could use a simple function like this to convert your time to a number of minutes since 0:00:

function getMinutes(str) {
    var time = str.split(':');
    return time[0]*60+time[1]*1;

And a similar function to get the current time into the same form in order to compare:

function getMinutesNow() {
    var timeNow = new Date();
    return timeNow.getHours()*60+timeNow.getMinutes();

Then convert both opening and closing time and, if it happens that closing time is before opening time, add 24 hours to it.

var now = getMinutesNow();
var start = getMinutes('10:00');
var end = getMinutes('2:00');
if (start > end) end += getMinutes('24:00');

if ((now > start) && (now < end)) { // your code here


