




  $ scope.standardItems = [    {名:项目1,内容:文本1,SIZEX:2,SIZEY:1,行:0,列:0},    {名:项目2,内容:时钟小工具,SIZEX:2,SIZEY:2,行:0,列:2}]; 




解决方案 小工具 小工具合集 CSDN



scope.standardItems = {[r  标题:时钟小工具,r  设置:{r    SIZEX:3,r    SIZEY:3,r    minSizeX:3,r    minSizeY:3,r    模板:'<时钟部件>< /时钟部件>,r    widgetSettings:{r      ID:1r    }r  }r}]





使用严格的;rangular.module('myGridsterDashboard')。指令(widgetBody',['$编译,r  功能($编译){r    返回{r      templateUrl:widgetBodyTemplate.html',r      链接:功能(范围,元素,ATTRS){r        //从资源创建一个新的角度元素r        //继承范围的对象,因此它可以编译元素r        // item元素重新presents的自定义部件r        VAR墩= angular.element(scope.item.template);r        //使用jQuery后,新元素创作,追加要素r        element.append(墩);r        //返回寻找范围功能r        //使用角度编译服务instanitate一个新的widget元素r        $编译(墩)(范围);rrr      }rr    }rr  }r]);


您已经创建了您的指令后,那么你需要参考您的主模板内的指令,你正在做你gridster NG重复您的自定义窗口小部件。

 <! - 引用您的默认gridster选择,如果你创建了一些 - >< D​​IV gridster =gridsterOpts>< UL>    <李gridster项=项目NG重复= GT在standardItems项目&;        <! - 创建一个自定义指令编译控件的身体和保持它的仪表盘对象 - >        <小工具体>< /部件体>    < /李>< / UL> 


希望这有助于.... - Pluralsight当然马克Zamoyta题为建立一个SPA框架使用AngularJS

I am trying to create a web dashboard based on angularjs with angular-gridster module. The gridster works fine and I don't have any problems binding content to it (like text or images with ng-bind-html).

But in fact I don't want to add only text or images to these "widgets", I'm trying to create a dashboard with dynamic content in it. So, as a user I want to add a new widget to the dashboard and choose a type (for example a clock-widget or something else) and maybe configure the widget.

The problem is that I don't know how to add dynamic content (javascript, different html elements, ...) to a widget. The widget is created out of a scope object, like:

$scope.standardItems = [
    { name: "Item 1", content: "Text 1", sizeX: 2, sizeY: 1, row: 0, col: 0 },
    { name: "Item 2", content: "Clock widget", sizeX: 2, sizeY: 2, row: 0, col: 2 }

I am still a beginner in angular so excuse me if this is a stupid question...

What could be a good solution to add javascript and html elements? Directives? Own Modules? But how?

Thank you for your help!


In-order to add dynamic content you will have to create custom directives for each widget, then reference them inside your standardItems object that your are going to ng-repeat on your gridster grid.

scope.standardItems = [{
  title: 'Clock Widget',
  settings: {
    sizeX: 3,
    sizeY: 3,
    minSizeX: 3,
    minSizeY: 3,
    template: '<clock-widget></clock-widget>',
    widgetSettings: {
      id: 1

Ok, you should have a directive for your gridster widget definitions that has an object with your custom widgets definitions and maybe some default gridster options.

I recommend creating a custom widgetBody directive that all of your custom widgets will reference. This directive will also handle the custom buttons attached to each widget's header depending on how you style your widgets. You will also need to create an associated template for the directive.

"use strict";
angular.module('myGridsterDashboard').directive('widgetBody', ['$compile',
  function($compile) {
    return {
      templateUrl: 'widgetBodyTemplate.html',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        // create a new angular element from the resource in the
        // inherited scope object so it can compile the element 
        // the item element represents the custom widgets
        var newEl = angular.element(scope.item.template);
        // using jQuery after new element creation, to append element
        // returns a function that is looking for scope
        // use angular compile service to instanitate a new widget element




After you have created your directive, then you need to reference that directive inside your main template where you are doing your gridster ng-repeat for your custom widgets.

 <!-- reference your default gridster options if you created some -->
<div gridster="gridsterOpts">
    <li gridster-item="item" ng-repeat="item in standardItems">
        <!-- created a custom directive to compile the widget body and keep it out of the dashboard object -->

So now by inheritance each custom widget that you create will inherit the widget body and will get compiled and added to the DOM one-by-one inside of your ng-repeat directive.

Hope this helps.... - Pluralsight course by Mark Zamoyta entitled "Building a SPA framework Using AngularJS


