
由网友(奏一曲、悲欢)分享简介:所有我想清楚,我是新来的AngularJS第一。你可能会发现,我的问题是重复使用Angular.js:服务提供商VS VS工厂?但我想了解的东西这让我感到困惑。由于我改变一个控制器值在其他的控制器也会受到影响。First of all I want to clear that I am new to AngularJ...

所有我想清楚,我是新来的AngularJS第一。你可能会发现,我的问题是重复使用Angular.js:服务提供商VS VS工厂?但我想了解的东西这让我感到困惑。由于我改变一个控制器值在其他的控制器也会受到影响。

First of all I want to clear that I am new to AngularJS. You might find that my question is duplicate with Angular.js: service vs provider vs factory? but as I am trying to understand the thing It get me confused. As I am changing value in one controller get affected in other controller as well.


As per answer to that question service is object created by angular it self but still it get shared between all controller.


    var myApp = angular.module('demo', []);

    // Factory Implementation
    myApp.factory('myFactory', function () {                      
        var service = {};
        service.TestData = 'This is default data from factory';
        return service;

    // Service Implementation
    myApp.service('myService', function () {
        this.TestData = 'This is service';

    // First Controller
    myApp.controller('myFirstController', function ($scope, myFactory, myService,myProvider) {
        $scope.ProviderData = myProvider;
        $scope.MyData = myFactory;
        $scope.ServiceData = myService;
        $scope.testFun = function () {
            $scope.MyData.TestData = 'This is new data from factory';
            $scope.ServiceData.TestData = 'New Service data';
            $scope.ProviderData.thingOnConfig = 'New thing from first controller';

    // Second Controller
    myApp.controller('mySecondController', function ($scope, myFactory, myService,myProvider) {
        $scope.ProviderData = myProvider;
        $scope.MyData = myFactory;
        $scope.ServiceData = myService;

    myApp.provider('myProvider', function () {
        this.TestData = 'This is from provider';

        this.$get = function () {
            var that = this;
            return {
                thingOnConfig: that.TestData

    myApp.config(function (myProviderProvider) {
        myProviderProvider.TestData = 'This is new from config of provider';


<div class="row" ng-app="demo" ng-cloak>
    <div class="row" ng-controller="myFirstController">
        <div class="row">
            <br />
            <br />
        <div class="row">
            <input type="button" value='click here for update' ng-click="testFun()" />
    <div class="row" ng-controller="mySecondController">
        <div class="row">
            <br />
            <br />

小提琴链接: http://jsfiddle.net/8Cg2s/


Why there is three diffrent terminolology for all most identical thing? If there is any vital difference then what is that?



The fiddle demonstrates the expected behaviour. I don't understand what confuses you.



If we used the exact same name for 3 almost identical things, then how would we distinguish between them ? It is only reasonable to use differnt names for different things (even if they are very similar).


I suppose the real question is not "why the different terminology", but "why have 3 different functions that (factory, service, provider) for the same purpose (declaring an Angular Service)".


You might be dissapointed to learn there are not 3 but 5 ways to declare an Angular Service: constant and value are the 2 missing functions.


In fact there is only one concept, an Angular Service, and one way to declare one: provider.

由其他4个功能(实现任何工厂服务),也可以用提供商,但更多的code实现的。< BR>提供商是最灵活的(允许最大可配置),也是最详细的。结果因此,对其他4种功能是常用的类型角度服务。快捷键

Anything achieved by the other 4 functions (constant, factory, service, value) can also be achieved with provider, but with more code. provider is the most flexible (allowing for the most configurability), but also the most verbose. Thus, the other 4 functions are shortcuts to commonly used types of Angular Services.

顺便说一句,这是很清楚的 的文档解释

BTW, it is quite clearly explained in the docs:


factory [...] This is short for registering a service where its provider consists of only a $get property, which is the given service factory function.


service [...] This is short for registering a service where its provider's $get property is the service constructor function that will be used to instantiate the service instance.


