
由网友(凉城已无爱)分享简介:我采用了棱角分明的UI日历,试图从我的API拉事件。 API是一个单独的领域,所以我不得不使用JSONP。I'm using angular-ui calendar to try and pull events from my API. The API is on a separate domain so I hav...

我采用了棱角分明的UI日历,试图从我的API拉事件。 API是一个单独的领域,所以我不得不使用JSONP。

I'm using angular-ui calendar to try and pull events from my API. The API is on a separate domain so I have to use jsonp.


I've tried various ways to get this working but can't get the events onto my calendar.


I built a service to call the API

angular.module('myapp.services', ['ngResource'])
.factory( 'SurgerySource', ['$resource', function($resource){
    return $resource(
        {start:'@start', end:'@end'},
        { jsonp_query: { method: 'JSONP', isArray: true } }


In the controller for my calendar I can call it directly and get events on the calendar

angular.module('myapp.schedule', ['ui.calendar', 'ui.bootstrap', 'myapp.services'])
.controller('ScheduleCtrl', function ScheduleCtrl( $scope, SurgerySource ) {
    $scope.surgeries = SurgerySource.jsonp_query({
        start: 1396162800,
        end: 1399791600
    $scope.uiConfig = { ... };
    $scope.eventSources = [$scope.surgeries];

这与填充硬codeD日期范围内的日历。我想不出办法让开始和结束范围到,虽然使用日历视图,所以我试图用调用一个函数(按照此文件的 http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-calendar/ )这会从视图中的日期范围内,但我不能得到返回的JSON回$范围。

This populates the calendar with the hardcoded date range. I couldn't figure a way to get the start and end range out of the calendar view to use though, so I tried to use an event source that calls a function (as per the documentation here http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-calendar/) This gets the date range from the view, but I can't get the returned json back into the $scope.

 $scope.eventSource = function (start, end, callback) {
     s = new Date(start).getTime() / 1000;
     e = new Date(end).getTime() / 1000;
     var eventPromise = SurgerySource.jsonp_query({
         start: s,
         end: e


If I inspect eventPromise, I see it is an abject with the data in there (as an array?) along side a $promise object and $resolved:

  0 -> Resource
  1 -> Resource
  2 -> Resource
  $promise -> Object
  $resolved -> true


The callback doesn't do anything though and the events are not put onto the calendar.


I also tried to put this function into viewRender in the config.

$scope.uiConfig = {
        height: 450,
        editable: true,
            left: 'title',
            center: '',
            right: 'today prev,next'
        eventClick: $scope.alertOnEventClick,
        viewRender: function(view,element) {
            $scope.surgeries = SurgerySource.jsonp_query({
                start: view.visStart.getTime()/1000,
                end: view.visEnd.getTime()/1000
$scope.surgeries = [];
$scope.eventSources = [$scope.surgeries];


I see the data logged when the calendar opens, but the events are not populated to the calendar.

所以,我要么需要解决如何获得日期范围从日历视图,所以我可以用我的硬盘codeD的方法。或者,我需要工作,如何获取资源的数据出了承诺(?)的对象,并将其发送到$ scope.eventSources

So I either need to work out how to get the date range out of the calendar view, so I can use my hard coded method. Or I need to work out how to get the resource data out of the the promise(?) object and send it to $scope.eventSources


我通过切换到$ HTTP,而不是构建服务得到了这个工作。我的新的EventSource函数看起来像这样

I got this working by switching to $http instead of building a service. My new eventSource function looks like this

$scope.eventSource = function (start, end, callback) {
    var startDate = start.getTime()/1000;
    var endDate = end.getTime()/1000;
    var url = 'http://api.mydomain.com/app_dev.php/calendar.json?callback=JSON_CALLBACK&start='+startDate+'&end='+endDate;



I also had to make sure my source was sending my timestamps rather than date strings.


