
由网友(愿望再失望)分享简介:什么是隐藏的正确方法/自定义指令处理器表演元素?What is the correct way to hide/show elements in custom directive handler?在我的应用我有哪些应该被隐藏/基于用户的身份验证状态显示元素的个数。为了跟踪状态,我创建验证服务。此刻我担心验证服务注入...


What is the correct way to hide/show elements in custom directive handler?


In my application I have number of elements which should be hidden/shown based on user authentication state. To track the state I created 'Auth' service. At the moment I'm concerned that 'Auth' service is injected almost into each controller. To avoid this I decided that it would be better to create a directive which will show/hide elements based on 'Auth' service state. Something like

<div data-app-auth-only="true">Content is visible only for authenticated users</div>


I've read angular directive tutorial, created directive and set watch on Auth service. I get the handler triggered whenever Auth state is changed but I'm stuck on hiding/showing element. At some tutorials I see people use 'element.hide()' command but for some reason the hide() is not defined in my case.

下面是链接到我的例子Plunkr 。


I'm also concerned if the directive is the correct way here. What is the best practice for such kind of task? Does it worth to make a directive or maybe inject 'Auth' into root scope would be better?


在这些教程,隐藏()显示()最有可能来自的 jQuery的。要使用这些方法,你需要添加AngularJS之前添加的jQuery。然后,改变你的指令类似:


In those tutorials, hide() and show() most likely comes from jQuery. To use those methods, you need to add jQuery before adding AngularJS. Then, change your directive for something like:

app.directive('appAuthOnly', ['Auth', function(Auth) {
  function link(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.$watch(Auth.isAuth, function(value, oldValue) {
      if (Auth.isAuth()) {
      } else {

  return {
    link: link

如果你不想依赖添加到jQuery的,你可以使用 element.addClass(我的类名) element.removeClass(我的类名)。这两种方法都包含 AngularJS(jqLit​​e)。在这种情况下,我的类名是设定显示为无一个CSS类(显示:无)。

If you don't want to add a dependency to jQuery, you can use element.addClass("my-class-name") and element.removeClass("my-class-name"). These two methods are included with AngularJS (jqLite). In this case, my-class-name is a CSS class that sets display to none (display: none).

您可以看一下为解决我分叉plunker 。我试着改变你的code尽可能少。

You can look at my forked plunker for the solution. I tried to change your code as little as possible.

在我的项目,我用一个指令,在这种情况下。我发现他们是简单,灵活。如果你最终需要的权限,你可以将参数传递给你的指令,以检查您的验证工厂获准。 ( APP-AUTH-仅=我的许可权),在这一点上,我也重新命名我的指令,像所需的权限=观点:这个,观点:即

In my projects, I use a directive in this scenario. I found them to be simple and flexible. If you eventually need permissions, you can pass a parameter to your directive to check for a given permission with your Auth factory. (app-auth-only="my-permission") At that point, I would also rename my directive to something like required-permissions="view:this, view:that.


In my opinion, such directives doesn't make sense as a comment, class or element. So I would also restrict it for attributes only.

app.directive('appAuthOnly', ['Auth', function(Auth) {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',  // Forces the directive to be an attribute.
    link: function link(scope, element, attrs) {
      scope.$watch(Auth.isAuth, function(value, oldValue) {
        if (Auth.isAuth()) {
        } else {

在两个例子中,使用jQuery为简单起见。在实际项目中,我不希望包括jQuery的这一点。我会贯彻落实 addClass removeClass移除解决方案。我发现,包括jQuery的使它很容易回到我的坏习惯所的jQuery

In both examples, I use jQuery for simplicity. In a real project, I wouldn't want to include jQuery for this. I would implement the addClass and removeClass solution. I found that including jQuery makes it too easy to go back to my bad jQuery habbits.


