
由网友(勿忘心安)分享简介:我采用了棱角分明的UI的SELECT2一个相当简单的下拉列表。它是由数据坐在我的控制器范围的静态数组的支持。在我的控制器我有一个被调用的下拉的NG-变化,这样我可以执行一些操作的值更改时功能。 I'm using angular-ui's select2 for a fairly simple dropdown....


I'm using angular-ui's select2 for a fairly simple dropdown. It's backed by a static array of data sitting on my controller's scope. In my controller I have a function that gets called on ng-change of the dropdown so that I can perform some actions when the value changes.


However, what I'm finding is that the ng-model's property gets set as a JSON string rather than an actual javascript object, which makes it impossible to use dot notation to grab properties off of that model.


Here's the function that handles the value of the dropdown getting changed:

$scope.roleTypeChanged = function() {
  console.log('selectedType is: ', $scope.adminModel.selectedType);

  // this ends up being undefined because $scope.adminModel.selectedType is a 
  // JSON string, rather than a js object:
  console.log('selectedType.typeCode is: ', $scope.adminModel.selectedType.typeCode);

下面是我完整的例子的plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/G39iZC4f7QH05VctY8zG

Here's a plunker of my full example: http://plnkr.co/edit/G39iZC4f7QH05VctY8zG

我从来没有见过一个绑定到NG-模型的属性做到这一点之前,但我也相当新的角所以它可能是我只是在这里做得不对。我当然可以这样做$ .parseJSON()将JSON字符串转换回一个对象,但我宁愿没有,除非我不得不这样做。感谢您的帮助!

I've never seen a property that's bound to ng-model do this before, however I'm also fairly new to Angular so it's likely that I'm just doing something wrong here. I can certainly do something like $.parseJSON() to convert the JSON string back to an object, but I'd rather not unless I have to. Thanks for any help!



You need to use ng-options on your select if you want to have object values. Actually creating the options yourself using an ng-repeat will only allow you to have string values for the various options:

<select ui-select2
    data-placeholder="Select Role Type" ng-options="type.displayName for type in adminModel.roleTypes">
  <option value=""></option>

http://plnkr.co/edit/UydBai3Iy9GQg6KphhN5?p=$p$ PVIEW


