
由网友(我很霸道我很无赖)分享简介:我在NG-重复使用的引导流行过。低于code段为同一I have used a bootstrap pop over in ng-repeat. Below code snippet for the same

I have used a bootstrap pop over in ng-repeat. Below code snippet for the same

 <div class="useBootstrap col-sm-2" data-toggle="popover" data-container="body" data-content="AdditionalContents to be shown" data-trigger="click hover">
    {{ row.FileName | limitTo: 15 }}{{row.FileName.length > 15 ? '...' : ''}}

我有一个引导版本*! *引导v3.3.4( http://getbootstrap.com ) *版权所有2011-2015 Twitter的公司在我的应用

I have a bootstrap version *! * Bootstrap v3.3.4 (http://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. in my application

如果我有引导的较低版本 - 包括3.0,第2图像时,如果我用3.3,我怎样才能使它在3.3版本的工作,因为我不能在我的应用程序更改bootsrap的版本它使得perfectly.The 1图像现在只是这个弹出。

If I include a lower version of bootstrap - It renders perfectly.The 1st image when including 3.0, 2nd image if i use 3.3, How can i make it work in 3.3 version because I cannot change the version of bootsrap in my application now just for this pop up.

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" />


我看到你正在使用的香草引导popovers。我试着用他们太多,但我从来没有达到我想要的结果。所以,我调查的替代,角BootstrapUI 的(也称为BootstrapUI),其解决了我的大部分问题。

I see that you are using the Vanilla Bootstrap popovers. I tried using them too, but I never achieved my desired outcome. So, I investigated an alternative, Angular BootstrapUI (otherwise known as BootstrapUI), which solved most of my problems.

这可能不是你要找的答案,但我会建议尝试了BootstrapUI popovers。我已经找到了上攻使用这些popovers使得集成模板容易得多,而且它们不依赖于外部的jQuery。不足之处是他们的风格是比较困难的定制。我还没有想出如何与在BootstrapUI不同风格popovers。在香草引导,定制酥料饼风格是相当微不足道的。

This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I would suggest trying out the BootstrapUI popovers. I've found the upside to using these popovers makes integrating templates much easier, and they don't rely on extraneous jQuery. The downside is that their style is more difficult to customize. I still haven't figured out how to have popovers with different styles in BootstrapUI. In Vanilla Bootstrap, customizing popover styles is fairly trivial.


I haven't had any problems with Vanilla Bootstrap's JS, but for now you should stick to a version that is most compatible with your app.