
由网友(騎著上帝環遊世界)分享简介:我有一大堆的选择列表中,我尝试添加无和标题的选择给他们。在code看起来像这样:I have a bunch of select lists and I'm trying to add a "none" and a title option to them. The code looks like so:我有一大堆的选择列表中,我尝试添加无和标题的选择给他们。在code看起来像这样:

I have a bunch of select lists and I'm trying to add a "none" and a title option to them. The code looks like so:

<select ng-options="value.name for value in values" ng-model="selection">
    <option value="" disabled>{{title}}</option>
    <option value="">None</option>


For right now, I cannot add them to the data so I am trying to find a way to get this working. When I load them for the first time, the "none" option is not there. The title is there and works as intended, but it seems I cannot add two blank entries to this select list.


The easiest way would be to have the "none" option added to the data but it's not a possibility for me. Is there a proper way to achieve what I want?


这是正确的,你只能有一个硬codeD元素。 &LT;选项NG重复&GT; 技术上可以做到,但该方法只干净支持绑定到字符串,所以它会变得非常kludgey绑定到对象,你是这样做。

That's correct, you can only have one hard-coded element. <option ng-repeat> can technically be done, but that method only cleanly supports binding to strings, so it would get very kludgey to bind to objects, as you're doing.


You say you can't add "None" to the data, but you can do the next best thing: prepend it to the array ng-options is iterating across, using a filter:

app.filter('addNone', function () {
    return function(input) {
        var newArray = input.slice(0); //clone the array, or you'll end up with a new "None" option added to your "values" array on every digest cycle.
        newArray.unshift({ name: "None" });
        return newArray;


Then use the filter like this:

 <select class="form-control" ng-options="value.name as value.name for value in filter.values | addNone" ng-model="filter.selected" ng-change="goSearch()">
                    <option value="" disabled>{{filter.name}}</option>

