






  The night before I was heading for Scotland, I was invited to host the final of “China’s Got Talent” show in Shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess who was the performing guest? Susan Boyle. And I told her, “I’m going to Scotland the next day.” She sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in Chinese. [Chinese] Soit’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff. It means “greenonion for free.” Why did she say that? Because it was a line from our Chinese parallel Susan Boyle — a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor inShanghai, who loves singing Western opera, but she didn’t understand anyEnglish or French or Italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence of Nessun Dormathat she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” So [as] SusanBoyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together. That was hilarious.

  So I guess both Susan Boyle and this vegetable vendor in Shanghai belonged to otherness. They were the least expected to be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought themthrough. And a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams.Well, being different is not that difficult. We are all different from different perspectives. But I think being different is good, because you present a different point of view. You may have the chance to make a difference.

  My generation has been very fortunate to witness and participate in the historic transformation of China that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years. I remember that in the year of 1990, when I was graduating from college, I was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in Beijing, Great Wall Sheraton — it’s still there. So after being interrogated by this Japanese manager for a half an hour,he finally said, “So, Miss Yang, do you have any questions to ask me?” I summoned my courage and poise and said, “Yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell?” I didn’t have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel. That was the first day I set my foot in a five-star hotel.

  Around the same time, I was going through an audition —the first ever open audition by national television in China — with another thousand college girls. The producer told us they were looking for some sweet,innocent and beautiful fresh face. So when it was my turn, I stood up and said,“Why [do] women’s personalities on television always have to be beautiful,sweet, innocent and, you know, supportive? Why can’t they have their own ideas and their own voice?” I thought I kind of offended them. But actually, they were impressed by my words. And so I was in the second round of competition,and then the third and the fourth. After seven rounds of competition, I was the last one to survive it. So I was on a national television prime-time show. And believe it or not, that was the first show on Chinese television that allowed its hosts to speak out of their own minds without reading an approved script.(Applause) And my weekly audience at that time was between 200 to 300 million people.

  Well after a few years, I decided to go to the U.S. and Columbia University to pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my ownmedia company, which was unthought of during the years that I started mycareer. So we do a lot of things. I’ve interviewed more than a thousand peoplein the past. And sometimes I have young people approaching me say, “Lan, you changed my life,” and I feel proud of that. But then we are also so fortunate to witness the transformation of the whole country. I was in Beijing’s bidding for the Olympic Games. I was representing the Shanghai Expo. I saw China embracing the world and vice versa. But then sometimes I’m thinking, what are today’s young generation up to? How are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of China, or at large,the world?

  So today I want to talk about young people through the platform of social media. First of all, who are they? [What] do they look like?Well this is a girl called Guo Meimei — 20 years old, beautiful. She showed offher expensive bags, clothes and car on her microblog, which is the Chinese version of Twitter. And she claimed to be the general manager of Red Cross at the Chamber of Commerce. She didn’t realize that she stepped on a sensitive nerve and aroused national questioning, almost a turmoil, against the credibility of Red Cross. The controversy was so heated that the Red Cross had to open a press conference to clarify it, and the investigation is going on.

  So far, as of today, we know that she herself made up that title — probably because she feels proud to be associated with charity.All those expensive items were given to her as gifts by her boyfriend, who used to be a board member in a subdivision of Red Cross at Chamber of Commerce. It’s very complicated to explain. But anyway, the public still doesn’t buy it. It is still boiling. It shows us a general mistrust of government or government-backed institutions, which lacked transparency in the past. And also it showed us the power and the impact of social media as microblog.

  Microblog boomed in the year of 2010, with visitors doubled and time spent on it tripled. Sina.com, a major news portal, alone hasmore than 140 million microbloggers. On Tencent, 200 million. The most popular blogger — it’s not me — it’s a movie star, and she has more than 9.5 million followers, or fans. About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people,under 30 years old. And because, as you know, the traditional media is still heavily controlled by the government, social media offers an opening to let thesteam out a little bit. But because you don’t have many other openings, theheat coming out of this opening is sometimes very strong, active and even violent.

  So through microblogging, we are able to understand Chinese youth even better. So how are they different? First of all, most of them were born in the 80s and 90s, under the one-child policy. And because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than women. That could pose a potential danger to the society, but who knows; we’re in a globalized world, so they can look for girlfriends from other countries. Most of them have fairly good education.The illiteracy rate in China among this generation is under one percent. Incities, 80 percent of kids go to college. But they are facing an aging China with a population above 65 years old coming up with seven-point-some percent this year, and about to be 15 percent by the year of 2030. And you know we have the tradition that younger generations support the elders financially, and taking care of them when they’re sick. So it means young couples will have to support four parents who have a life expectancy of 73 years old.

  So making a living is not that easy for young people.College graduates are not in short supply. In urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 U.S. dollars a month, while the average rent is above $500. So what do they do? They have to share space — squeezed invery limited space to save money — and they call themselves “tribe of ants.”And for those who are ready to get married and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their firstapartment. That ratio in America would only cost a couple five years to earn,but in China it’s 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate price.

  Among the 200 million migrant workers, 60 percent of them are young people. They find themselves sort of sandwiched between the urban areas and the rural areas. Most of them don’t want to go back to the countryside, but they don’t have the sense of belonging. They work for longer hours with less income, less social welfare. And they’re more vulnerable to joblosses, subject to inflation, tightening loans from banks, appreciation of the renminbi, or decline of demand from Europe or America for the products theyproduce. Last year, though, an appalling incident in a southern OEMmanufacturing compound in China: 13 young workers in their late teens and early 20s committed suicide, just one by one like causing a contagious disease. But they died because of all different personal reasons. But this whole incident aroused a huge outcry from society about the isolation, both physical and mental, ofthese migrant workers.

  For those who do return back to the countryside, they find themselves very welcome locally, because with the knowledge, skills and networks they have learned in the cities, with the assistance of the Internet,they’re able to create more jobs, upgrade local agriculture and create newbusiness in the less developed market. So for the past few years, the coastal areas, they found themselves in a shortage of labor.

  These diagrams show a more general social background. The first one is the Engels coefficient, which explains that the cost of dailynecessities has dropped its percentage all through the past decade, in terms offamily income, to about 37-some percent. But then in the last two years, it goes up again to 39 percent, indicating a rising living cost. The Gini coefficient has already passed the dangerous line of 0.4. Now it’s 0.5 — even worse than that in America — showing us the income inequality. And so you see this whole society getting frustrated about losing some of its mobility. And also, the bitterness and even resentment towards the rich and the powerful isquite widespread. So any accusations of corruption or backdoor dealings between authorities or business would arouse a social outcry or even unrest.

  So through some of the hottest topics on microblogging,we can see what young people care most about. Social justice and governmentaccountability runs the first in what they demand. For the past decade or so, amassive urbanization and development have let us witness a lot of reports onthe forced demolition of private property. And it has aroused huge anger and frustration among our young generation. Sometimes people get killed, and sometimes people set themselves on fire to protest. So when these incidents are reported more and more frequently on the Internet, people cry for thegovernment to take actions to stop this.

  So the good news is that earlier this year, the state council passed a new regulation on house requisition and demolition and passedthe right to order forced demolition from local governments to the court.Similarly, many other issues concerning public safety is a hot topic on the Internet. We heard about polluted air, polluted water, poisoned food. And guesswhat, we have faked beef. They have sorts of ingredients that you brush on apiece of chicken or fish, and it turns it to look like beef. And then lately,people are very concerned about cooking oil, because thousands of people have been found [refining] cooking oil from restaurant slop. So all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the Internet. And fortunately, we have seen the government responding more timely and also more frequently to the public concerns.

  While young people seem to be very sure about their participation in public policy-making, but sometimes they’re a little bit lost in terms of what they want for their personal life. China is soon to pass the U.S. as the number one market for luxury brands — that’s not including the Chinese expenditures in Europe and elsewhere. But you know what, half of those consumers are earning a salary below 2,000 U.S. dollars. They’re not rich atall. They’re taking those bags and clothes as a sense of identity and social status. And this is a girl explicitly saying on a TV dating show that she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle. But of course, we do have young people who would still prefer to smile, whether in a BMW or [on] a bicycle.

  So in the next picture, you see a very popular phenomenon called “naked” wedding, or “naked” marriage. It does not mean they will wear nothing in the wedding, but it shows that these young couples are ready to get married without a house, without a car, without a diamond ring and without a wedding banquet, to show their commitment to true love. And also, people are doing good through social media. And the first picture showed us that a truck caging 500 homeless and kidnapped dogs for food processing was spotted andstopped on the highway with the whole country watching through microblogging.People were donating money, dog food and offering volunteer work to stop that truck. And after hours of negotiation, 500 dogs were rescued. And here also people are helping to find missing children. A father posted his son’s picture onto the Internet. After thousands of [unclear], the child was found, and we witnessed the reunion of the family through microblogging.

  So happiness is the most popular word we have heardthrough the past two years. Happiness is not only related to personal experiences and personal values, but also, it’s about the environment. People are thinking about the following questions: Are we going to sacrifice our environment further to produce higher GDP? How are we going to perform our social and political reform to keep pace with economic growth, to keep sustainability and stability? And also, how capable is the system ofself-correctness to keep more people content with all sorts of friction goingon at the same time? I guess these are the questions people are going to answer. And our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves.

  Thank you very much.











































































  论文关键词: 双语教学 数学学科 实际意义 实施 
  论文摘要: 本文作者根据自己在新疆从事双语教师培训的教学实践,总结出了对双语教学的认识,指出了在小学数学课进行双语教学时存在的问题并提出了对策。 



1.I am not an outstanding student of yours,but you are the most respectable teacher to me in my eyes. On this special day,I extend my heartfelt respects to you!我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最尊敬的老师。在这特别的日子里,我要把一份崇高的敬意献给您! 
 2.No formula can be used to calculate your devotion;no poems and songs to express our heartfelt gratitude to you.It is you that cultivate our minds with your extensive knowledge and your noble spirits.On this special occasion,please accept our best wishes!加减乘除,算不出您作出的奉献!诗词歌赋颂不完对您的崇敬!您用知识的甘露,浇开我们理想的花朵,在这不寻常的时刻,请接受我深深的祝福!


 3.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

4.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。

 5.Life is a profound book.Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。  

 6.Don't be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

 7.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

8.I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

9.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

10.If I should meet thee,
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.大学毕业赠言
—[Britain]George Gordon Byron
多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ———[英]拜伦
 11.If life cheats you,don''t be disappointed and worried.Calmness is needed in melancholy days.Believe that pleasantness is coming.Long for the bright future though you are unhappy. All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories. —[Russia]Alesander Pushkin
假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急。阴郁的日子需要镇静。相信吧,那愉快的日子即将来临。心永远憧憬着未来,尽管你现在常常是阴沉的。一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念。 ———[俄]普希金










  When it comes to the roles of the office, managers talk and employees listen.




  In many situations, that’s true. Managers give instructions, provide coaching, and convey department and individual goals.


  But listening as a manager is just as important. Listening is your key to finding out what makes your employees excited to come to work — or what is pushing them out the door. Listening reveals the truth behind your employees’ workloads, as well as what you can do to help them succeed.


  So, I find it’s better to proactively listen to what your employees are saying — even if it involves a little detective work — so you can get to the bottom of it and better manage your team. Here are some key issues to listen for.


  1. “I’m bored”

  1. “我累了。”

  It’s a risky move to come right out and tell your boss that you’re bored — at least, that’s how it can seem to employees who are worried about being marked for the next round of layoffs for not being a top-contributing employee.


  But employees who don’t have enough work or who aren't being challenged can bring down the productivity and attitude of your entire group. Plus, bored employees are often unhappy — and consequently, are looking elsewhere to advance their career.


  Listen for it


  Bored employees are often the ones asking for more work. They want to know if there’s anything you — or anyone else on the team — needs help with. They’re not just trying to suck up or get in your good graces; they’re desperate for something to do. On the lightly more direct (and surly) side, they may just announce, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing.”


  Also listen for the mutters of, “I've done this all before,” or “I've been doing this for so long, I couldn't mess up if I tried.” This will clue you in that your employees need more challenges and opportunities to stretch their skills.


  2. “I need your intervention”

  2. “我需要您的参与。”

  Generally, your employees want you to know that they’re fully capable of making smart decisions and dealing with the tough stuff. So when something isn't going according to plan — like a big sale that’s clearly going downhill or a client situation that’s about to explode — they may not be completely upfront about the situation with you, for fear of coming across as incompetent. But, that can often lead to escalated situations that put you both in a tough spot.


  Listen for it


  Your employees may not come out and ask for your help directly, but they’ll often allude to it when you ask for a status update: “I think this client is getting really angry. I keep telling her we’re looking into the situation, but she doesn't want to hear it.”


  What this employee is telling you is, “I need you to step in and defuse this situation.” Would it be easier if she just asked, point-blank, for your assistance? Sure. But as a manager, you can also be proactive in offering your expertise.


  3. “I’m being overworked”

  3. “我已经过度劳累了。”

  Some employees will come right out and say when their workload has become too much to handle. Some, however, will exhaust themselves, working long hours to try to accommodate the workload — and burning themselves out along the way.


  Listen for it


  “I think I’m just going to work through lunch today,” may mark the beginning stages, when employees are simply accepting the work as a challenge. As it progresses, though, you’ll hear the exhaustion in their voices as they say, “I just don’t know what do prioritize,” or “No matter what I do, something is getting dropped.”


  When you hear this, that’s your cue to step in to have a one-on-one conversation about how realistic your staffer’s workload is. Look at ways to more evenly distribute the workload, or if there’s just an abundance of work all around, work on prioritizing projects to give your employee a chance at a better work-life balance.[/en]


  4. “I need some coaching”

  4. “我需要指导。”

  Few people like to admit that they need help. Employees won’t necessary come to you to announce their areas of weakness, asking for your help and expertise. Instead, they’ll go with the flow and hope their weaknesses or uncertainties go unnoticed.


  Some managers prefer to have their employees learn by trial and error, but in the end, that can cause a lot of frustration for both the employee, who feels like he or she isn't getting the necessary training, as well as you, who has to deal with the later effects of a poor performance.


  Listen for it


  Employees who don’t want to be caught doing something they’re unsure of will often volunteer others in their place: “I can do that if you need me to, but Alex really has more experience in that area.”


  Or, they’ll evade it by suddenly becoming too busy: “I really don’t think I can take anything else on.” It can also manifest itself in frustration: “How am I supposed to know how to do this?” or “I have no idea where to start.” In any case, all good signs that you may want to carve out some time for additional one-on-one coaching.


  In an ideal world, everyone would be open and upfront about what’s going on in the office. But as you work on creating that kind of trusting environment with your employees, it’s important to listen for deeper meanings and the chance for you to step in and fulfill your role as a manager.




  It’s an uphill battle to be successful if you don’t have a good working relationship with your manager. While results are the most important measure of success, great results can often be overshadowed if you’re always doing little things that annoy your manager.


  I’ve been fortunate to have talented, hardworking, likable employees throughout my career as a manager. But I have heard stories from other managers….. Here are 10 things to avoid doing in order to stay in good standing with your manager:


  1. Having to be reminded. 你总得“催催催”

  Yes, we all let things slip through the cracks now and then. However, it’s been my experience that some employees are the same ones that need to be consistently llowed up with when others seem to be able to respond the first time they are asked. As a manager, I expect that when I ask a question, ask for a piece of information, or ask for something to be done, I assume it will happen. But if you can’t, or if you need more time, then let me know, don’t just ignore the request. Keeping commitments part of being a professional.


  2. Not being able to prioritize. 凡事都没个先后

  With the exception of brand new employees, experienced professionals should know how to juggle a lot of balls at once and which ones to pay more or less attention to. When an employee goes to a manager and asks for help in prioritizing their own work, the employee comes across as clueless and helpless.


  3. Making excuses. 找借口

  When a mistake is made, just own up to it and fix it. No lame excuses, finder pointing, blaming, drama, etc…be accountable!


  4. Not being a team player. 特立独行。

  When a co-worker is buried, offer to help. Don’t wait for your manager to ask. If you are annoying your co-workers, your manager will eventually hear about it. Never, ever be the employee that your co-workers have to speak to their manager about. And if you have a problem with a coworker, try to resolve it with them first before you take it to your boss.


  5. Bad-mouthing your manager. 对你的经理说三道四。

  Yes, we all need to complain about our managers now and then. Just don’t overdo it, and assume that anything you say could get back to your manager. Besides, when you constantly bash your boss, what does it say about you? That you’re stupid enough to put up with working for a jerk?


  6. Challenging your manager in front of your manager’s boss. 在上级的上级前质疑你的上级。

  If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager. Don’t embarrass or undermine your manager.


  7. Blatantly sucking up. 高调拍马屁

  It’s a good idea to treat everyone with the same high degree of respect. If you follow that rule, your boss doesn’t need any more respect than anyone else, or it comes across as sucking up. The same goes for gift giving. Please, no extravagant holiday or birthday gifts for the boss!


  8. Not keeping your boss informed. 不汇报进度

  Sure, no one likes to be micromanaged and everyone hates status reports, but managers need to have some idea of what you’re working on. They also hate to be surprised, if there is bad news, make sure your manager hears it from you first.


  9. A lack of common sense. 没点常识

  Here’s a phrase you don’t want to hear from your manager: “You did what?! Seriously?! I mean, what you were thinking?!”


  10. Passing the monkey. 踢皮球

  A saying from the article Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?, in which a manager’s employees keep passing their problems (monkeys) to the manager to solve. In other words, upwards delegation.

  “Passing the monkey”(踢皮球)这个词语来自一篇文章《时间管理:谁得到了猴子?》,意思是员工把问题(所谓的“猴子”)丢给上司去解决。也就是


