好肌肤 Good Skin_美人的肤色 The Skin Color of Beauty

由网友(万里谣)分享简介:好肌肤 Good Skinthere is a saying that everyone has the heart of being a beauty, in fact, the beautiful outlook indeed brings many advantages. people can attract o...

好肌肤 Good Skin

there is a saying that everyone has the heart of being a beauty, in fact, the beautiful outlook indeed brings many advantages. people can attract other’s attention and being the star, how wonderful it is. the skin decides a person’s whole image, if the person has the good skin, even she is not so beautiful, but she still can be a beauty by dressing well. to keep the good skin is very important, people must not stay up. today, the young people love to have fun at night, when they came home, it is almost midnight, staying up is not a healthy lifestyle. what’s more, the balanced diet is of great importance, too. we should eat more vegetable and fruit, they have a lot of vitamins which can make our skin smooth. the good skin needs us to keep and the healthy lifestyle and balanced food are the key points.



美人的肤色 The Skin Color of Beauty

when we walk on the street, we are easily attracted by beautiful girls. they all have white skin and good body shapes. it has been admitted that white skin is the standard to judge whether a girl is beautiful or not. there are all kinds of skin whitening products. ads implant the idea to people's mind that only the white skin can make them to be attractive. in some areas of africa, a lot of girls are so addicted to using skin whitening products. some products even threaten their health, but the girls still insist to use them. the world is beautiful because of spanersity, and the standard of beauty should not be defined by the skin. the manufacturers spread the wrong idea to people's mind for making more money. so don't be lost in the public's opinion.


The Skin Color of Beauty 美人的肤色

when we walk on the street, we are easily attracted by beautiful girls. they all have white skin and good body shapes. it has been admitted that white skin is the standard to judge whether a girl is beautiful or not. there are all kinds of skin whitening products. ads implant the idea to people's mind that only the white skin can make them to be attractive. in some areas of africa, a lot of girls are so addicted to using skin whitening products. some products even threaten their health, but the girls still insist to use them. the world is beautiful because of spanersity, and the standard of beauty should not be defined by the skin. the manufacturers spread the wrong idea to people's mind for making more money. so don't be lost in the public's opinion.


敏感肌怎么修复好 敏感肌怎样修复成正常肌肤












好人好事 Good People and Good Deed

there is an old man who lives next to my door. he lives alone, and sometimes his children will come to visit him. when we asked him why he didn't move to live with his children, he said he didn't want to interrupt them, because of the different lifestyle. the man likes to sit in front of the shop, where people communicate there every day. he is very talkative and likes to offer help. once he helped a woman to carry heavy food home. besides, if people asked him for information, he knew everything. people loved him and got used to seeing him every day. i like to talk to this man, he is smart and can give me some wise opinion. he is definitely a good people and we are willing to ask him to have dinner with us.


好人好事 Good People and Good Deed

there is an old man who lives next to my door. he lives alone, and sometimes his children will come to visit him. when we asked him why he didn't move to live with his children, he said he didn't want to interrupt them, because of the different lifestyle. the man likes to sit in front of the shop, where people communicate there every day. he is very talkative and likes to offer help. once he helped a woman to carry heavy food home. besides, if people asked him for information, he knew everything. people loved him and got used to seeing him every day. i like to talk to this man, he is smart and can give me some wise opinion. he is definitely a good people and we are willing to ask him to have dinner with us.







怎么才能修复敏感肌肤 敏感肌怎样修复成正常肌肤











怎么才能修复敏感肌肤 敏感肌怎样修复成正常肌肤











大自然的美 The Beauty of Nature

when summer holiday comes, i always go back to my hometown and spend the time with my grandparents. i like the life there, it is so simple and happy. living in the countryside, i feel the peace in my heart. it seems the days become longer. in the morning, i hear the cock make out the sound, as if it is singing, then i wake up. sometimes i will go to the mountain and i can hear some birds singing. i enjoy listening to these birds' sound. i am so close to the nature. i love everything that the nature brings. the green tree, the colorful flower, the clean water even the fresh air. i find its beauty.



