
由网友(正在努力加载)分享简介:我们如何禁用的mod_security 通过使用的.htaccess Apache服务器上的文件?How can we disable mod_security by using .htaccess file on Apache server?我是用我的个人域名字preSS和发布一个帖子里面的内容有一定的code...

我们如何禁用的mod_security 通过使用的.htaccess Apache服务器上的文件?

How can we disable mod_security by using .htaccess file on Apache server?

我是用我的个人域名字preSS和发布一个帖子里面的内容有一定的code块,并根据我的托管服务提供商所说的的mod_security 给一个错误,我的IP已经进入,因为的mod_security 防火墙。

I am using WordPress on my personal domain and posting a post which content has some code block and as per my hosting provider said mod_security gives an error and my IP has gone into firewall because of mod_security.

所以我想禁用的mod_security 通过使用的.htaccess 文件。

So I want to disable mod_security by using .htaccess file.


这是可能做到这一点,但最有可能你的主机实施的mod_security 的一个原因。要确保他们同意你禁用它为自己的网站。

It is possible to do this, but most likely your host implemented mod_security for a reason. Be sure they approve of you disabling it for your own site.


That said, this should do it;

<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecFilterEngine Off
  SecFilterScanPOST Off

