
由网友(始终。)分享简介:我运行的Apache 2.26,在Windows 7上使用PHP 5.39了mod_ssl / 2.2.6的OpenSSL / 0.9.8g。I'm running Apache 2.26, on Windows 7 with PHP 5.39 mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL/0.9.8g .PHP工作正...

我运行的Apache 2.26,在Windows 7上使用PHP 5.39了mod_ssl / 2.2.6的OpenSSL / 0.9.8g。

I'm running Apache 2.26, on Windows 7 with PHP 5.39 mod_ssl/2.2.6 OpenSSL/0.9.8g .


PHP works fine, so does Apache.


However, I want to try and create custom php.ini files per directory, for my test sites.

我可以 - 而且确实 - 使用的php_flag但想尝试创建工作自定义的php.ini文件。我试图谷歌这一点,但无法找到任何有关。

I could - and did - use php_flag but would like to try to create a custom php.ini file that works. I tried to Google this, but couldn't find anything relevant.

这是我目前的.htaccess为C:/ WWW /虚拟主机/本地主机/ testsite1:

This is my current .htaccess for C:/www/vhosts/localhost/testsite1:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php

#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_fileNAME} !.php -f
#RewriteRule .* index.php

AddType text/html .asp
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .page

php_value include_path "./php:/php/"


Yet, I made a change in the custom php.ini within the php to have short tags off [for testing only] but it didn't pick it up, the php code showed instead.

任何帮助是pciated这个AP $ P $;这将是非常有用的!

Any help is appreciated with this; it'll be extremely useful!


(bear in mind, this Apache install is a development/testing one)


。自定义的php.ini文件不支持这一点。您需要使用suPHP或当量为的php.ini 只加载在PHP启动,这是不是的每个请求的为mod_php5和FCGI。

If you are using php_flag then you are probably using mod_php5. Custom 'php.ini' files aren't supported with this. You would need to use suPHP or equiv as the php.ini is only loaded at PHP startup, and this isn't per-request for mod_php5 and FCGI.

然而的,因为你正在使用PHP 5.3,你也可以使用的 .user.ini文件这些分析对每个请求的基础。

However, since you are using PHP 5.3 you can also use .user.ini files which are parsed on a per-request basis.


