的.htaccess URL重写问题(脚本不加载)重写、脚本、加载、问题

由网友(10.流口水的云)分享简介:我有在.htaccess的URL重写问题的一个问题。I am having a problem with an URL rewrite issue in .htaccess.这是我的改写code RewriteEngine onRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^terms(.*) t...


I am having a problem with an URL rewrite issue in .htaccess.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteRule     ^terms(.*)  terms.php [L,nc]
RewriteRule ^formgate/([a-zA-Z0-9]{64,64})$ formgate.php?g=$1 [L,nc]


When the page loads it functions properly except that all of my stylesheets, javascript files, etc do not load properly. If you check the errors it states 404 not found and that $ is not defined. Thanks



This problem often comes from using relative URL's to stylesheets or javascript files and combining it with a virtual directory structure. If you have a rewrite like this:

RewriteRule ^articles/(.*)$ articles.php


Then you have a URL like:



which contains the HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/general.css" />

无论您的文件 artices.php 驻留在你的web目录的浏览器对此一无所知作为 mod_rewrite的从浏览器中隐藏。因此,将要求的文件:

no matter if your file artices.php resides in the root of your web directory the browser knows nothing about it as the matters of mod_rewrite are hidden from the browser. So it will ask for the file:



which obviously does not exist. So I recommend specifying URL's relative to your web root. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/general.css" />

胸怀 / 在theURL面前。

Mind the / in front of theURL.

请注意以下事项:当您的URL开始以 / 字符表示相对路径的根的网页的一个。看看这个例子directurey结构:

Please note the following: when your URL starts with a / character it means a path relative to the root of the webpage. Check out this example directurey structure:
