
由网友(24.小嘴欠吻)分享简介:我有一个病毒图片的网站,人们可以看到搞笑的GIF。很多人在Reddit上共享原始.gif文件但是,而不是.gif注意嵌入页面。这是好的 - 但我想重定向浏览RAW图像.gifs到一个处理页面调用shareraw.php(位于根目录)所有的人。此处理程序页面的外观完全一样的 - 只是一个共享链接和按钮,检查出现场的其余部...

我有一个病毒图片的网站,人们可以看到搞笑的GIF。很多人在Reddit上共享原始.gif文件但是,而不是.gif注意嵌入页面。这是好的 - 但我想重定向浏览RAW图像.gifs到一个处理页面调用shareraw.php(位于根目录)所有的人。此处理程序页面的外观完全一样的 - 只是一个共享链接和按钮,检查出现场的其余部分

I have a viral image site where people can view funny gifs. A lot of people on reddit are sharing the raw .gif files however, rather than the page with .gif embedded. This is fine - but I'd like to redirect all people viewing raw image .gifs to a handler page called shareraw.php (located in root directory). This handler page will look exactly the same - just with a share link and button to check out the rest of the site.


I've created the page. All I need now is the correct .htaccess commands to do what I've described. Please help! Thanks :)


您可以通过检查的 HTTP_REFERER 的的的 .gif注意:的请求做到这一点。如果请求不是从您的网站来了,你将用户重定向到您的 shareraw.php 的文件。

You can do this by checking the HTTP_REFERER for .gif requests. If the request isn't coming from your site, you redirect the user to your shareraw.php file.

添加到您的的.htaccess 在Web根 / 目录。

Add this to your .htaccess in your web root / directory.

Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?mysite.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /uploads/.*.gif$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /shareraw.php?img=$1 [R,L]

您将只需要调整规则以适应在您的病毒图档存储以及如何GIF名或路径传递到您的 shareraw.php 的。

You'll just need to tweak the rules to accomodate where your viral gifs are stored and how the gif name or path is passed to your shareraw.php.


