
由网友(Dressed in a red skirt(一袭红裙))分享简介:我有一个Zend框架的网站在这个DIR /var/www/ / ,把WP博客在此目录 / VAR /www/ / 以下是重要的文件... /var/www/ 包括:RewriteEngine叙...

我有一个Zend框架的网站在这个DIR /var/www/ / ,把WP博客在此目录 / VAR /www/ /


/var/www/ 包括:

的RewriteBase /
的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME -s [OR]
的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME -l [OR]
的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME -d
。重写规则^ * $  -  [NC,L]
重写规则^博客 -  [NC,L] #Just加入这一行,这是previous不存在
重写规则^ * $的index.php [NC,L]

然后我的.htaccess /博客/ 文件夹是这样的:

< IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
的RewriteBase /博客/
重写规则^指数 .PHP $  -  [L]
的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME!-f
的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME!-d
重写规则。 /blog/index.php [L]
< / IfModule>




错误日志记录/ example.local-error.log中
的CustomLog日志/ example.local-access.log的共同


< /目录>

        的RewriteBase /
        的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME!-f
        的RewriteCond%{} REQUEST_FILENAME!-d
        !重写规则(JS | ICO | GIF | JPG | PNG | CSS)$的index.php
< /地点>


< /虚拟主机>

注意我辗转于 /公/ 文件夹,因为在虚拟主机重写规则的测试,但的.htaccess我的问题仍然存在



不过,浏览器呈现来自采埃孚的错误,表示这是导演的公共/ index.php文件文件,而不是预期的公共/博客/ index.php文件文件。我还使用了Netbeans的&放大器; XDebug的步骤通过code。我把两个的index.php文件的第一行设置一个断点,然后点击博客文章的链接时,它会立即加载ZF的index.php,而不是/blog/index.php

?//example.local/blog/ P = 695 它的工作原理,而不是路由到ZF的应用程序:

如果我使用像 HTTP的URL看起来。但是当我使用可湿性粉剂管理员自定义永久链接像的http://example.local/blog/my-test-blog-post/ 尝试路由到ZF

环视谷歌,它告诉我在 /博客/ 文件夹是不正确的htaccess的。 有FollowSymLinks &放大器; 的AllowOverride全部都设置。我只是无法得到它的权利... HTTP://word$p$ /主题/自定义永久链接 - 不工作-1




不过,我想用这个没有索引文件: /%的post_id%/%postname%/


  1(2)初始重写引擎请求的URI /博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(1)通过/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(3)[perdir /]添加路径信息后缀:D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698  - > D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(3)[perdir /]应用模式。(JS | ICO | GIF | JPG | PNG | CSS)$'到URID:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698模式=  -  =>'F!匹配
'! -  D'(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D /网络/例子/公/博客/ 698模式= =>匹配
(2)[perdir /]改写D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客员额/ - > 的index.php
(2)[perdir /]试图取代preFIX /带/
(5)条匹配preFIX:的index.php  - >的index.php
(4)增加SUBST preFIX:index.php文件 - >的index.php
(1)[perdir /]内部重定向用的index.php [内部重定向]
(3)[perdir /]应用模式。(JS | ICO | GIF | JPG | PNG | CSS)$'到URID:/www/example/public/index.php
(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D:/www/example/public/index.php'模式=  -  =>'F!不匹配
(1)[perdir /]通过D:/www/example/public/index.php


 与请求的URI /博客(2)初始重写引擎/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(1)通过/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(3)[perdir /]添加路径信息后缀:D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698  - > D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(3)[perdir /]应用模式。(JS | ICO | GIF | JPG | PNG | CSS)$'到URID:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客岗位/
(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698模式=  -  =>'F!匹配
'! -  D'(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D /网络/例子/公/博客/ 698模式= =>匹配
(2)[perdir /]改写D:/网络/例子/公/博客/ 698 /测试博客员额/ - > 的index.php
(2)[perdir /]试图取代preFIX /带/
(5)条匹配preFIX:的index.php  - >的index.php
(4)增加SUBST preFIX:index.php文件 - >的index.php
(1)[perdir /]内部重定向用的index.php [内部重定向]
(3)[perdir /]应用模式。(JS | ICO | GIF | JPG | PNG | CSS)$'到URID:/www/example/public/index.php
(4)[perdir /]的RewriteCond:输入='D:/www/example/public/index.php'模式=  -  =>'F!不匹配
(1)[perdir /]通过D:/www/example/public/index.php



 的RewriteCond%{REQUEST_URI}!^ /博客



I have a Zend Framework site in this dir /var/www/ and put the WP blog in this dir /var/www/

The following are the important files...

/var/www/ contains:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^blog - [NC,L] #Just added this line, it was previous not there
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

Then my .htaccess in the /blog/ folder is this:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /blog/
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Clicking around the zend site works fine. Going into the /blog/ subfolder loads the WP blog just fine. But when I click on any post in the blog, it gets redirected to the ZF app, and doesn't stay within wordpress.

The end result I am chasing is to keep the two separate, yet make sure both of them rewrite the index.php so it isn't rendered in the URL.

I don't have good experience with htaccess so I am not sure what's happening. Here is my VHost just for good measure.

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/"
ErrorLog "logs/example.local-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/example.local-access.log" common

<Directory "/var/www/" >
         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
         AllowOverride All
         Order allow,deny
         allow from all


<Location />
        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteBase /
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule !.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ /index.php

SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development


NOTE I removed the .htaccess in the /public/ folder for testing because of the Rewrite rule in the VHost, but my problem remains.

The request & response URLs are the same as they are shown in the browser:


HOWEVER, the browser renders an error from ZF, indicating it was directed to the public/index.php file instead of the intended public/blog/index.php file. I also used Netbeans & XDebug to step through the code. I put a breakpoint on the first line of both index.php files, and when clicking a blog post link, it immediately loads the ZF index.php, not the /blog/index.php

It appears if I use a URL like http://example.local/blog/?p=695 it works and is not routed to the ZF app. but when I use custom permalinks in wp-admin like http://example.local/blog/my-test-blog-post/ it tries to route to ZF.

From looking around google, it tells me the htaccess in the /blog/ folder is incorrect. Options FollowSymLinks & AllowOverride All are both set. I just can't get it right...

I will also add that mod_rewrite IS working because I can click through the ZF app just fine.

As a final note, this permalink works on WP:


But I want to use this without the index file: /%post_id%/%postname%/

mod_rewrite log:

1(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /blog/698/test-blog-post/
(1) pass through /blog/698/test-blog-post/
(3) [perdir /] add path info postfix: D:/www/example/public/blog/698 -> D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/
(3) [perdir /] applying pattern '.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$' to uri 'D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/'
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/blog/698' pattern='!-f' => matched
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/blog/698' pattern='!-d' => matched
(2) [perdir /] rewrite 'D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/' -> '/index.php'
(2) [perdir /] trying to replace prefix / with /
(5) strip matching prefix: /index.php -> index.php
(4) add subst prefix: index.php -> /index.php
(1) [perdir /] internal redirect with /index.php [INTERNAL REDIRECT]
(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /index.php
(1) pass through /index.php
(3) [perdir /] applying pattern '.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$' to uri 'D:/www/example/public/index.php'
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/index.php' pattern='!-f' => not-matched
(1) [perdir /] pass through D:/www/example/public/index.php

Another mod_rewrite log After trying Jason Dean's suggestion (didn't work)

(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /blog/698/test-blog-post/
(1) pass through /blog/698/test-blog-post/
(3) [perdir /] add path info postfix: D:/www/example/public/blog/698 ->  D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/
(3) [perdir /] applying pattern '.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$' to uri 'D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/'
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/blog/698' pattern='!-f' => matched
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/blog/698' pattern='!-d' => matched
(2) [perdir /] rewrite 'D:/www/example/public/blog/698/test-blog-post/' -> '/index.php'
(2) [perdir /] trying to replace prefix / with /
(5) strip matching prefix: /index.php -> index.php
(4) add subst prefix: index.php -> /index.php
(1) [perdir /] internal redirect with /index.php [INTERNAL REDIRECT]
(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /index.php
(1) pass through /index.php
(3) [perdir /] applying pattern '.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$' to uri 'D:/www/example/public/index.php'
(4) [perdir /] RewriteCond: input='D:/www/example/public/index.php' pattern='!-f' => not-matched
(1) [perdir /] pass through D:/www/example/public/index.php


Try adding:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/blog

To your first .htaccess

I think that it is intercepting any requests to your blog subfolder.