
由网友(土豆你个马铃薯)分享简介:也许会显得很简单的问题,我的网站的网址是要命写的,所以我要重写他们。所以我preparing激活mod_rewrite的。现在的问题是:Maybe it will seem a very simple question, my website's url are awfully written, so I want...


Maybe it will seem a very simple question, my website's url are awfully written, so I want to rewrite them. So I am preparing to activate mod_rewrite. The question is the following:

假设从 SITE_URL / index.php页面=我的空间和放​​我的网址开关; TYPE = MYTYPE SITE_URL /我的页面/ MYTYPE ,如果刷新页面会发生什么事,是否有必要在.htaccess文件中提出的逆过程对投诉进行重写?

Suppose my url switches from site_url/index.php?page=mypage&type=mytype to site_url/mypage/mytype, what will happen if one refresh the page, is it necessary to put in the .htaccess file the converse process for proceeding to rewriting ?


您需要重定向和重写的组合。 URL重写过程的纲要草案将是:

You need a combination of redirect and rewriting. A draft outline of URL rewriting process would be:

如果URL中包含的.php 301/302请求重定向到它的搜索引擎友好的版本。这将改变地址在浏览器地址栏。 如果被请求的搜索引擎友好的URL,把它改写到PHP版本。这不会更改的地址在浏览器地址栏。 If URL contains .php, 301/302 redirect the request to its SEO friendly version. This will change the address in browser address bar. If SEO friendly URL was requested, rewrite it to its PHP version. This will not change the address in browser address bar.


Here is a very basic example of rewrite rules that do both of the above:

# redirect /index.php?page=somepage&type=sometype to friendly url
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /index.php
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} page=(w+)&type=(w+)
RewriteRule ^index.php$ /%1/%2? [R,L]

# rewrite /somepage/sometype to index.php
RewriteRule ^(w+)/(w+)$ index.php?page=$1&type=$2

