从哪里获得的。NET的Apache POI端口端口、从哪里、Apache、NET

由网友(回忆最终败给了时间)分享简介:我想知道如果有一个网站,我可以下载Apache POI移植为.NET?I would like to know if there is a website where I could download the Apache POI ported for .net?我已经找到了网络这个链接http://www.ap...

我想知道如果有一个网站,我可以下载Apache POI移植为.NET?

I would like to know if there is a website where I could download the Apache POI ported for .net?

我已经找到了网络这个链接 http://www.apache.org/~avik/dist/poi-2.5.1-dev-20040708.dll

I already found this link in the web http://www.apache.org/~avik/dist/poi-2.5.1-dev-20040708.dll

我还发现,从小说poi.net的资料库,但它是很旧的(2004) http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Poi.Net

I also found a repository of poi.net from novel but it is quite old (2004) http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Poi.Net

但是Apache POI的版本现在是3.6,我想知道是否有最新的版本了吗?请问Apache基金会支持这种移植?我已经尝试过搜索apache的网站也没有用。

But the version of apache poi now is 3.6, I was wondering if there is a latest version out there? Does the apache foundation support such porting? I already tried to search the apache website too with no avail.

对于使用Microsoft库,Excel的interopt不是并发处理如Web后端好。如果我使用DocumentFormat.OpenXML库,我只有创建的Office 2007文档的限制。

As for using Microsoft library, the excel interopt is not that good for concurrent processing like a web backend. If I use the DocumentFormat.OpenXML library, I have a limitation of creating office 2007 document only.


If there is no library out there? is there a JAR to .NET assembly(.dll) converter tool out there?


我找到了答案。你可以得到最新的Apache POI的版本,然后转换成罐的dll自己使用IKVM.NET上。在此之后,POI DLL的程序集添加到您的.NET应用程序加上IKVM.NET核心和JVM DLL。你终于可以使用Apache POI在你的.NET项目。

I found out the answer. You can get the latest apache poi version then convert the jar into dll on your own using IKVM.NET. After that, add the assembly of the POI dll to your .net application plus the IKVM.NET core and JVM dll. And you can finally use the Apache POI in your .NET project.


