
由网友(离心脏最近的地方是左耳)分享简介:有一个大的图像GALERIE需要盗链脚本白名单的谷歌,必应,雅虎等。在网络上,我发现很多的例子,但他们都不同的语法。 例1:的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER} ^ HTTP://(。+ \)谷歌/.*$ [NC]例2:的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!谷歌\。 [NC]例3:...

有一个大的图像GALERIE需要盗链脚本白名单的谷歌,必应,雅虎等。 在网络上,我发现很多的例子,但他们都不同的语法。


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER} ^ HTTP://(。+ )谷歌/.*$ [NC]


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!谷歌。 [NC]


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!谷歌。 [NC]


  SetEnvIfNoCase的Referer^(HTTP | HTTPS)://.*google.*白名单


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER} ^ HTTP://(。+ )谷歌/.*$ [NC]

问题1:哪一个是最快的,正确与域通配符? 问题2:为什么在例如5地址为http://盈的时候不需要的


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!我的域。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!搜索 Q =缓存[NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!谷歌。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!微博。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!Facebook的。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!googleusercontent 。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!兵。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!Pinterest的。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!雅虎。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{REQUEST_URI}!^ /盗链 .JPG $ [NC]

重写规则(GIF | JPG | PNG)$ HTTP://domain.tld/hotlink.jpg [R,NC,L]


 谷歌| Facebook的|冰|等


 的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}!我的域。 [NC]
的RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER}(谷歌| googleusercontent |雅虎|冰| Facebook的| Pinterest的。|等)![NC]
的RewriteCond%{REQUEST_URI}!^ /盗链 .JPG $ [NC]
重写规则(GIF | JPG | PNG)$ HTTP://my-domain.tld/hotlink.jpg [R,NC,L]



我做了 http://www.regex101.com 试试这个正则表达式:(谷歌| googleusercontent |雅虎|冰| Facebook的| Pinterest的)来匹配 http://www.yahoo.com


所以大约7 9(RewriteCond指令数)给予63步,其中或运算的正则表达式了87步,所以我认为它会使用简单的正则表达式和多重的RewriteCond直到步骤交叉在任何情况下更快(正则表达式意志花了步骤predictable数量,尝试用完整的执行或运算,最后一场比赛要知道最大的步骤)。



有关比赛的域。是足够多的,没有必要使用更复杂的东西在我看来,也许你可能会得到一些边缘情况下,有域。 ...


A big image galerie need a hotlinking script with a whitelist for google, bing, yahoo etc. On the web I found many examples but they have all a different syntax.

Example 1:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+.)?google/.*$ [NC]

Example 2:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !google. [NC]

Example 3:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !google. [NC] 

Example 4:

SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^(http|https)://.*google.*" whitelist

Example 5:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+.)?google/.*$ [NC]

Question 1: Which one is the fastest and correct with a domain wildcard? Question 2: Why is on example 5 a http:// infront when its not needed?

What I did:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !my-domain.                   [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !search?q=cache               [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !google.                      [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !twitter.                     [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !facebook.                    [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !googleusercontent.           [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !bing.                        [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !pinterest.                   [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !yahoo.                       [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}   !^/hotlink.jpg$               [NC]

RewriteRule .(gif|jpg|png)$ http://domain.tld/hotlink.jpg  [R,NC,L]

Questions 3: Is it faster to have only 1 line? How can I write it such as this:


What I did:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}  !my-domain. [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !(google|googleusercontent|yahoo|bing|facebook|pinterest|etc.) [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}   !^/hotlink.jpg$               [NC]
RewriteRule .(gif|jpg|png)$ http://my-domain.tld/hotlink.jpg  [R,NC,L]


Well not really scientific but my guess is the ored option would be longest.

I did a try on http://www.regex101.com with this regex: (google|googleusercontent|yahoo|bing|facebook|pinterest) to match http://www.yahoo.com

It took 87 steps (you can see it in regex debugger on the site) where it tooks only 7 steps to match with a regex which is yahoo

So roughly 7 by 9 (number of RewriteCond) give 63 steps where the ored regex took 87 steps, so I think it would be faster in any case using simple regex and multiple RewriteCond until the steps cross (the regex will took a predictable number of steps, try it with the full ored and the last match to know the maximum steps).

Once again: nothing scientific there and myabe it would take more time calling 9 test than a complex one, maybe a apache in debug mode could tell the time taken but I'm unsure.

It's still a matter of choice to prefer one over the other, as I'm quite sure it won't do a noticable difference before the serer has stalled anyway by the number of requests.

For the match the domain. is enought, no need to use something more complex in my opinion, maybe you may got some edge cases where there's domain. elsewhere in the referer...

The before the dot is important to match a litteral dot and not any char after domain in the regex.